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SECASC Applications open for Dec 7-14 Winter Institute on Invasive Vines

Applications are now open for the upcoming "Integrative Approaches to Investigate Invasive Species and Landscapes Winter Institute: Vines." This all-expenses paid graduate student program is being led by faculty at the University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras from December 7-14, 2024.

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Students will contribute to the development integrative approaches through a focus on vines, a broad geographical region, and three goals. Vines are herbaceous climbing plants that are not only taxonomically and functionally diverse but also include numerous native and introduced proliferating species. The broad region encompasses dry to humid tropical biomes in the Caribbean to mesic and wet temperate biomes in the southeastern United States, a region known worldwide to be a hotspot of invasive vines. Here the spread of invasive vines may be driving large-scale ecosystem shifts, yet this possibility has been under-explored.