NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife Presents: Breakfast With Biologists-March 27th 2025
Woodstown, NJ – Quail Forever, in partnership with Ducks Unlimited and the New Jersey Audubon Society, will cohost an informational outreach event for landowners on Friday, March 27th, from 7:00 am to 9 am at the Woodstown Diner. The event aims to provide landowners with valuable information on habitat restoration and wildlife conservation efforts available to them.
SE CASC Science Seminar, January 22: New Project Lightning Talks
Join us for a series of 5-minute talks summarizing newly funded SE CASC projects.
SECAS Third Thursday Web Forum January 16th 2025
Mapping freshwater resilience in the conterminous United States
Register and submit abstracts for the 2025 SE Drought and Aquatic Ecosystems Workshop
January 7-9, 2025
Science Seminar Sept 17: New Project Lightning Talks
Researcher + partner pairs talk about their newly funded projects for FY24.
Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Event - Partnering with Fire: Learning from Tribal Nations and Indigenous Practices
Join the South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center, and the U.S. Forest Service for our upcoming virtual workshop “Partnering with Fire: Learning from Tribal Nations and Indigenous Practices.”
Registration Now Open for TRBN Annual Conference 2024
Join us in Chattanooga for the 2024 Tennessee River Basin Annual Conference.
SECAS Third Thursday Web Forum May 16th 10:00 am ET
Web Forum on Thursday: Understanding coastal wetland change from multiple perspectives.
WLFW East Region Conservation Series May 9, 2024
Tune in Thursday, May 9th, at 11:30 am CST (12:30 PM EST) for our first webinar in the new mini-series, “Programs and Partnerships”! This week's topic will cover "What is Working Lands for Wildlife?" with speakers Bridgett Costanzo with USDA and Dr. Jess McGuire with Quail Forever.
RCPP Funding in 2024: Tips for Applicants
The Rural Climate Partnership is hosting a webinar on RCPP funding on Wednesday, April 24th at 12pm CT. Kari Cohen, the former RCPP lead at USDA, will provide an overview of the funding announcement, provide advice for prospective applicants, and answer any questions. Through the Rural Climate Partnership, Kari is available to provide 1:1 proposal guidance to nonprofit applicants - join to learn more!
Prescribed Fire for Forest Management Webinar Series
Foresters and land managers have many management tools at their disposal. A tool that’s often overlooked is prescribed fire. Prescribed fire for forest management is important for ecosystem health, forest regeneration, wildlife habitat, forest health, and disease control. Join us for insightful discussions with national experts as we discuss forest management using prescribed fire. Learn some of the practical knowledge of where, when, why, and how to apply fire in forest ecosystems.
WLFW East Region Conservation Series April 11 2024
Tune in Thursday, April 11th, at 11:30 am CST (12:30 PM EST) for our last webinar in the Pollinator Series! This week's topic will cover "Maintaining Pollinator Habitat" with speaker Brittney Viers with Quail Forever.
Event: Technical Training Workshop-The Stream Simulation Design Approach for Providing Aquatic Organism Passage at Road-Stream Crossings
This 4.5-day workshop will present the USDA Forest Service’s stream simulation method, an ecosystem-based approach for designing and constructing a channel through a road-stream crossing structure that reestablishes physical and ecological continuity along the stream corridor.
SECAS Third Thursday Web Forum January 18th 10:00 am ET
Join us on Thursday for a special webinar co-hosted with the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center! This web forum features multiple staff of the Atlanta Botanical Garden and the Southeast Plant Conservation Alliance.
Webinar: Applying to RCPP in 2024
Join the Rural Climate Partnership for a **free webinar on Wednesday, December 13th at 2pm ET** with Kari Cohen, former RCPP lead at USDA, who will guide NGO participants through RCPP application guidance to increase your likelihood of funding.
Join the SFE/LANDFIRE grasslands digital office hour on Wed. 6/28
Reminder: This Wednesday at 1 PM ET we are cohosting the monthly LANDFIRE Office Hour with special guests Brice Hanberry and Reed Noss as they talk about tools to understand the historical extent of grasslands in the eastern U.S.
2023 Tennessee River Basin Network Annual Conference
Registration Now Open! | TRBN 9th Annual Conference (Aug 23-24, 2023)
Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center-Science Seminar – Southeast Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change
Join us for our Fall/Winter virtual science seminar series highlighting SE CASC funded projects supporting resource management actions across the Southeast. Each month a SE CASC researcher will provide an overview of their work and the management implications of their research findings.
SFE Webinar: Fueling Collaboration
A series of interactive panel discussions designed to connect fire managers and researchers. Each discussion will be built on questions from the registered attendees. We're working to bring people together to discuss, explore, and address the latest fire science and fire management issues across the eastern United States.
Southeast CASC Science Seminar: Improving Projections of Societal Responses to Sea Level Rise and Frequent Flooding
In this talk, we will highlight a framework that permits simultaneously considering scenarios of urban growth, increases in flood hazard due to climate change, and human adaptive response (based on socio-economic vulnerability or ability to cope with flood damage). Specifically, we will focus on scenario-based approaches that allow exploring plausible adaptation strategies (i.e., elevating homes, moving homes, coastal armoring) and consider local adaptive capacity and the non-economic factors that influence a choice.