MUST READ: 2012-11-01_SALCC Draft NR Indicator Process
From the draft document: "Why are indicators needed?
Designing and evaluating the success of a shared blueprint for landscape conservation actions
in the South Atlantic will require some specific measures of what success would look like for
natural resources. The ecosystems of the South Atlantic are complex and indicators help
simplify the modeling and monitoring of those systems. We cannot measure everything all of
the time. Indicators are designed to integrate many ecological functions and represent other
components of the system that are either too expensive or time consuming to model and
measure." [And] "How will indicators be used?
Indicators will be used to help design a shared blueprint for landscape conservation actions that
sustain natural and cultural resources in the South Atlantic region. This blueprint will include
an interactive map depicting the key places and actions needed to sustain those resources in
the face of future change (e.g., urban growth, climate change, sea level rise). Indicators and
measurable targets for those indicators will be used to help design this interactive map and
evaluate the effectiveness of actions based on it."
Publication Date: 2012
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