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Reporting Dashboard Collection

Reporting Dashboard
Title Description Tags Creation Date
Clark Farms Creamery uses modern apps help them stay abreast of their cattle and field well-being Clark Farms Creamery is a multigenerational dairy farm, that milks around 230 head Holstein Heifers in Delhi, New York. The use of modern apps help them stay ab... E&I, Equity and Inclusion Apr 05, 2023 03:20 PM
University of Maryland Extension Urban Farmer Field School holds an educational event at Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm (PPHUF) in Baltimore, Md., July 20, 2021 University of Maryland Extension Urban Farmer Field School holds an educational event at Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm (PPHUF) in Baltimore, Md., July 20, ... E&I, Equity and Inclusion Apr 05, 2023 03:31 PM
Karla Hollis, USDA 1890 liaison on Comfort Farms in Milledgeville, Georgia Karla Hollis, USDA 1890 liaison on Comfort Farms in Milledgeville, Georgia. (Photo by Preston Keres) E&I, Equity and Inclusion Apr 05, 2023 03:38 PM
EBTJV Habitat News Brief - Thank You Veterans Thank you to those who have served! A special thanks to the many veterans who are employed by or volunteer with agencies and organizations that protect, enhance... News, EBTJV Nov 15, 2022 11:03 PM
Brook Trout Restoration and Expansion in Garth Run, Virginia This project will restore and improve stream and riparian habitat within a 2,357 foot project area located in the headwaters of Garth Run which was severely imp... Flow, EBTJV Funded Project Sep 04, 2014 02:41 AM
Restoring Browns Run Fish Passage, Barr Township, Pennsylvania This project will open the headwaters of Browns Run, a tributary to the West Branch of the Susquehana River, to native brook trout passage and improve Browns Ru... Flow, EBTJV Funded Project Sep 04, 2014 02:41 AM
Removal of Two Dams in the Wetmore Run Watershed, Potter County, PA This project will remove the only two dams in the Wetmore Run Watershed in Potter County, Pennsylvania opening 8.5 miles of habitat for brook trout. Removal of ... EBTJV Project, Flow Sep 04, 2014 02:41 AM
St. Mary's Liming, St. Mary's River, Virginia The streams of the Saint Mary's Wilderness, located on the slopes of Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains, have been severely compromised by anthropogenic atmospheri... EBTJV Project, Flow Sep 04, 2014 02:41 AM
Dam Removals to Reconnect Brook Trout Habitat on an Unnamed Tributary to Frankstown Branch, PA This project will remove two fish passage barriers to provide 1.33 miles of unrestricted fish passage to high-quality coldwater spawning and rearing habitat. (P... EBTJV Project, Flow Sep 04, 2014 02:41 AM
Dirt & Gravel Road, Streambank Stabilization Project on Cross Fork, Pennsylvania This project will select and implement high priority projects that focus on dirt and gravel road improvements, streambank stabilization, riparian buffer restora... EBTJV Project, Flow Sep 04, 2014 02:41 AM
Oats Run, Upper Shavers Fork, Aquatic Passage Project in Pocahontas County, WV This project will restore habitat linkages between a brook trout spawning tributary in Oats Run and the mainstem of the Upper Shaver's Fork at Spruce West Virgi... EBTJV Project, Flow Sep 04, 2014 02:41 AM
Removal of Illegally Introduced and Missed Rainbow Trout from Lynn Camp Prong, Great Smoky Mountain National Park, Tennessee This project will remove the illegally introduced and missed rainbow trout from the Lynn Camp Prong Watershed in Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Once comple... EBTJV Project, Flow Sep 04, 2014 02:41 AM
Brook Trout Restoration in the Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia This project will restore fragmented poor quality habitat and brook trout populations on the Chattahoochee National Forest in Georgia by removing and replacing ... EBTJV Project, Flow Sep 04, 2014 02:41 AM
Upper Shavers Fork Aquatic Passage Project, West Virginia This project seeks to restore habitat linkages between two spawning tributaries and the mainstem of Upper Shaver's Fork between Cheat Bridge and Spruce, West Vi... EBTJV Project, Flow Sep 04, 2014 02:41 AM
Thorn Creek Aquatic Passage Project, Pendelton County, West Virginia This project will remove the 9 identified fish passage barriers in a 50 square mile wild brook trout watershed in Thorn Creek of the South Branch of the Potomac... EBTJV Project, Flow Sep 04, 2014 02:41 AM
Restoring Aquatic Organism Passage within Tipton Creek, North Carolina This project will be the first of several designed to reconnect and restore brook trout habitat and populations within the Tellico River watershed. It will remo... EBTJV Project, Flow Sep 04, 2014 02:41 AM
Brook Trout Catchment Scale and Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment JMU in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and the Service have initiated efforts to determine resiliency rankings for brook trout populations in Virginia,... EBTJV Project, Flow Sep 04, 2014 02:41 AM
Brook Trout Restoration and Expansion This project will restore and improve stream and riparian habitat within a 2,357 foot project area located in the headwaters of Garth Run which was severely imp... EBTJV Project, Water, Priority Species, Regional Partnerships, Streams, Projects Mar 27, 2013 09:34 AM
Alarka Headwaters habitat connectivity and sediment reduction project This project is Phase I of a three-phased connectivity and sediment reduction project, with Phases II and III in years two – four involving replacement of two... EBTJV Project, sediment control Oct 23, 2022 10:02 PM
Environmental Protection Agency EPA's purpose is to ensure that all Americans are protected from significant risks to human health and the environment where they live, learn and work; national... WLFW, Federal, Federal Agencies, SE FireMap, Wildland Fire, Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Nov 26, 2012 11:26 AM