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You are here: Home / Training / Stream & Watershed Restoration Design & Implementation Workshop

Stream & Watershed Restoration Design & Implementation Workshop

Participants will learn about developing and implementing stream and watershed restoration programs at the district level. Restoration in watershed analysis context, and effective stream restoration programs will also be covered. Scheduled for May 2023, pending COVID.
When May 01, 2023
from 08:00 AM EDT to 05:00 PM EDT
Where Cusick, WA
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The watershed context for planning stream habitat and watershed restoration projects; identifying existing habitat condition, desired future habitat conditions, and limiting factors; formulating watershed, habitat and channel objectives; developing alternative approaches to restoration in an interdisciplinary manner; general overview on designing and implementing restoration projects; required NEPA analysis and documentation; necessary permits; contract preparation and administration; physical and biological monitoring and evaluation; implementing projects through partnerships; how to plan successful projects. Feedback/help on your current watershed restoration projects is available.

Part of the USDA Pacific Northwest Aquatic Training program.

NOTE: See event website for exact dates.

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