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Landscape Ecology Meeting

The US International Association of Landscape Ecology 2016 Annual Meeting will focus on “Landscape Change" and strives to capture the defining characteristic and the inherent nature of the modern world in the Anthropocene epoch.
When Apr 03, 2016 09:00 AM EDT to
Apr 07, 2016 05:00 PM EDT
Where Asheville Renaissance Hotel in Asheville, North Carolina
Contact Name Lars Pomara
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Program highlights will include plenary sessions with featured speakers, symposia and contributed papers, in-depth workshops on key topics, field trips, and networking events! The meeting is organized by Appalachian LCC Steering Committee member Dr. Danny Lee and Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Dr. Lars Pomara from the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center and the Southern Research Station of the Forest Service.  Drs. Rob Baldwin and Paul Leonard from Clemson University will also speak and present on the collaborative conservation planning research funded by the Appalachian LCC.

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