Webinar: Pine health issues in the southeastern U.S.
Several biotic and abiotic stressors, including insects, pathogens, and weather, can impact pine growth in the Southeast. Dr. David Coyle (Clemson University) will provide a general overview of identification, impact, and management strategies for pine health in the region.
The Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center's Global Change Fellows present: Disaster Recovery During a Global Pandemic
The Global Change Fellows of the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center have congregated a multi-disciplinary panel to address how COVID-19 has affected disaster recovery and community resilience strategies. The seminar will be structured as a panel discussion among scientists and professionals from the Eastern and Western regions of the United States, and the Caribbean. They will bring their expertise and experience as they answer questions provided by the Fellows and audience members. Our panelists will explore the changes and adjustments to disaster recovery due to COVID-19 and discuss the implications for future actions on disaster recovery and community resilience.
You're Invited! Perspectives on Prescribed Fire Management in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems
SE CASC & South Atlantic Spring/Summer Science Series July 16 2020.
National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative Quarterly Meeting
Join the National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative for our quarterly Zoom meeting. This meeting will feature brief presentations on emerging wildland fire Extension projects in Pennsylvania and Florida. We will also discuss ways NEWFI members across the country have adapted to offering wildland fire programming remotely due to restrictions related to COVID-19.
You're Invited - Clarifying Science Needs for Southeastern Grasslands: The Piedmont, Coastal Plain, and Beyond-June 18, 2020
Join us via Zoom for this collaborative webinar series hosted by the Southeast CASC and the South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint team. The SE CASC South Atlantic Spring/Summer Science Series will take the place of the South Atlantic Third Thursday Web Forum for the spring and summer months. We hope you will join us as we highlight some of the SE CASC funded science projects relevant to conservation throughout the Southeast and South Atlantic region.
TRBN Webinar - Innovative collective action - Thrive Regional Partnership
We have the opportunity to visit with members of Thrive Regional Partnership, Joel Houser of Open Space Institute and Charles Mix from the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga.
South Atlantic Web Forum on Thursday - How decision-makers view the evolution of wildlife conservation challenges in the Southeast
Join us on Thursday for a presentation by Kathryn Jewell, Graduate Research Assistant in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology at North Carolina State University
NCA4 Webinar Series Key Message 4 - Economic and Health Risks for Rural Communities
A Guide to Understanding Economic and Health Risks for Rural Communities in the Southeast. NCA4 Webinar Series - Key Message 4.
Field Day at Mountain Research Station
The Field Day at the Mountain Research Station in Waynesville, NC will be a great event for agricultural producers to get the latest updates on agricultural research and to see the latest and best available tools and equipment at the trade show. The NRCS Partner Biologists for the Hellbender Working Lands for Wildlife Initiative will be in attendance with information about the program.
IN Workshop - Native grasses in Prescribed Grazing Systems
Using Native Warm-Season Grasses in a Grazing System Participants will learn the latest research-supported methods for reliable native forage establishment and grazing management to maintain grass vigor and animal performance through the summer. This training is being presented by The Center for Native Grasslands Management and NBCI through a grant provided by Quail Forever and the Natural Resources Conservation Service in support of the Working Lands For Wildlife: Bobwhite in Grasslands project. Topics to be covered: Bobwhite basics, bobwhite habitat considerations in grazing lands Overview of native warm-season grass (NWSG) establishment Why use NWSG in your grazing system – animal performance and economics How to manage NWSG forages – maintaining vigor and productivity, impact on bobwhite and other grassland birds NWSG in complementary cool-season grass systems. Registration: No registration fee, but registration is required. Please RSVP to Lunch will be provided to participants.
Third Thursday Web Forum: Updates and applications of USGS Gap Analysis Project data
“Updates and applications of USGS Gap Analysis Project data” with Nathan Tarr, Research Associate at the Biodiversity and Spatial Information Center within the North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Climate and Conservation Coffee
Join others in the Triangle area landscape conservation and climate change community for coffee and conversation on the 1st Thursday of each month at 9 am. In June, let’s meet at Cup a Joe in Mission Valley shopping center, probably at one of the outside tables. This is a new format for what used to be the Triangle Climate and Landscape Researchers’ Brown Bag lunch
Final Agenda & Notes (links) - Partners Meeting - 2018-04-19
Greater Appalachian Conservation Partnership Meeting - April 19th at NCTC 10:00-4:00
Northeast Climate Science Center Webinar Series
The Northeast Climate Science Center has a great lineup of interesting webinars scheduled for this fall. Topics will include invasive species, maple syrup production, and forest adaptation.
Evaluating Intraspecific Variation and Environmental Heterogeneity to Identify Seed Sources and Conservation Corridors Online Lecture
The eighth in the Eastern Seed Zone Forum's online lecture and discussion series aimed at providing both information about the creation of seed zones in general and a forum in which professionals, experts, and interested parties discuss the possibility of drafting seed zone guidelines for the eastern United States. Anantha Prasad, USDA Forest Service, will evaluate current and future habitat-fitness and colonization potential of intraspecific genetic zones from inferred evolutionary lineages. He will also illustrate how the colonization of suitable habitats can be modeled opportunistically in the landscape to identify potential future conservation corridors.
2018 Local Solutions: Eastern Climate Preparedness Conference
This conference will cover a range of climate preparedness and resiliency issues such as: sea level rise, urban heat, and both coastal and inland flooding issues. The conference is geared for small government planners and decision-makers striving to create healthy resilient communities with how to better handle severe weather and climate impacts. This conference guides local government planners on how to make climate resilience an aspect of their daily operations.
Climate Academy Online Course
This 8 week online course is designed to cover the fundamentals of climate science, provide an overview of tools and resources for climate adaptation, and increase climate literacy and communication skills. The course is designed to encourage networking among conservation professionals engaged in the management of fish, wildlife, habitat and cultural resources and provides participants an opportunity to interact with experts as they address case studies across multiple habitat types.