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The Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series

Join us for a discussion of programs that allow private landowners to protect working forests and conserve open space administered by the Forest Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Farm Service Agency.

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Integrating Natural Resource, Transportation, and Land Use Plans

What steps do you need to develop a comprehensive conservation strategy? How can agencies work together to create and share data for transportation and conservation planning? Find out on the next Eco-Logical Webinar: Integrating Natural Resource, Transportation and Land Use Plans.

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78th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference

Join other industry leaders dedicated to the conservation, enhancement and management of North America's wildlife and other natural resources.

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Private Land Conservation Programs from the Farm Bill and Other Sources

Join us for a discussion of current and future Farm Bill programs administered by the Forest Service, Natural Resource Conservation Service, and Farm Service Agency that support private landowner efforts to protect working forests and conserve open space.

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Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Assessments of Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation

Rising sea levels coupled with population growth along coasts make climate adaptation planning an imperative. The framework of ecosystem services can help managers understand how alternative management and climate scenarios are likely to affect a broad range of services delivered to people from coastal ecosystems.

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2013 Climate Leadership Conference

The Climate Leadership Conference will provide networking opportunities with federal and state government officials, business and industry leaders, and non-profit experts. Innovative ideas and best practices will be presented related to GHG reduction opportunities, energy consumption and diversification, climate mitigation, and adaptation strategies.

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Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture Management Board Meeting

This meeting will provide board members with updates on the AMJV staff, administration, and the presentation of a strategic communications plan.

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Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series

Discussion on Federal Landscape Conservation Initiatives with overviews from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Department of Defense.

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Northeast Climate Science Center Fall Colloquium: Translating Climate Science for Resource Managers

What stakeholders need to know about the relationships between water resources and climate change.

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Northeast Region Representative Species Workshop

The Northeast Region is holding six workshops around the region to provide feedback on the Service’s new draft technical guidance for selecting surrogate species.

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Designing Sustainable Landscapes Workshop

The purpose of this project is to assess the capability of current and potential future landscapes in the North Atlantic LCC geographic area to provide integral ecosystems and suitable habitat for wildlife, and provide guidance for strategic habitat conservation decisions.

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Designing Sustainable Landscapes Workshop

The purpose of this project is to assess the capability of current and potential future landscapes in the North Atlantic LCC geographic area to provide integral ecosystems and suitable habitat for wildlife, and provide guidance for strategic habitat conservation decisions.

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Ecological Forestry Workshop for US Fish & Wildlife Service

This is an extremely valuable workshop for anyone in any Service program working with forest conservation issues, especially involving Threatened and Endangered and migratory bird species.

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39th Annual Natural Areas Conference

Join conservation professionals from around the country in Norfolk, Virginia, for the 2012 Natural Areas Conference: Keeping Natural Areas Relevant and Resilient.

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Demonstration of the Habitat Climate Change Vulnerability Index (HCCVI)

The earth’s rapidly changing climate requires substantial adjustments to existing strategies for conserving natural systems. Managers need a better understanding of factors that contribute to the vulnerability of ecosystems and plant communities in order to formulate new adaptation strategies. The Climate Change Vulnerability Index for Ecosystems and Habitats documents series of indicators of vulnerability to climate change.

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Maryland Water Monitoring Council Conference

The Maryland Water Monitoring Council (MWMC) will hold its 18th Annual Conference at the Maritime Institute, North Linthicum, Maryland, on Thursday, December 6, 2012. The theme of the one day conference is "What Else is in your Water? From Arsenic to Zinc".

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The Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere Fall Conference

The Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere (SAMAB) will host a conference on the vitality of the Southern Appalachians. Our goal is to present indicators of performance that can be used consistently across Southern Appalachia to support state and local government decisions that impact the natural, human, built, and economic vitality of the region.

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