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Join the SFE/LANDFIRE grasslands digital office hour on Wed. 6/28

Reminder: This Wednesday at 1 PM ET we are cohosting the monthly LANDFIRE Office Hour with special guests Brice Hanberry and Reed Noss as they talk about tools to understand the historical extent of grasslands in the eastern U.S.
When Jun 27, 2023
from 01:00 PM EDT to 02:00 PM EDT
Where Online
Contact Name
Attendees Brice Hanberry
Reed Noss
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Using Fire Compartments and Historical Land Cover to Rediscover Grasslands in the Eastern U.S. for Restoration

June 28, 2023 1:00 - 2:00 PM ET

A free one-hour online program hosted by LANDFIRE and the Southern Fire Exchange. Featuring a research and practical management conversation with:

Dr. Brice B. Hanberry
Research Forester
USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station

Dr. Reed F. Noss
Chief Science Advisor
Southeast Grasslands Institute

With a changing climate, grasslands are expected to be more resilient to fires, droughts, and insect outbreaks. As a result, grassland restoration and management are of particular interest to ecologists, but little is known about the historical extent of grasslands in the eastern U.S. Brice Hanberry and Reed Noss will discuss how they used the concept of "fire compartments" and historical land cover (sourced from LANDFIRE products) to model and understand potential grassland cover in the eastern U.S. Join us for this casual back-and-forth discussion.

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