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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA's reach goes from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor as the agency works to keep citizens informed of the changing environment around them. From daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings and climate monitoring to fisheries management, coastal restoration and supporting marine commerce, NOAA’s products and services support economic vitality and affect more than one-third of America’s gross domestic product.


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


For NOAA Showcase PageTwo areas in U.S. Southeast and Caribbean selected for habitat conservation focus

NOAA has selected two sites in the southeast and Caribbean as Habitat Focus Areas -- places where the agency can maximize its habitat conservation investments and management efforts to benefit marine resources and coastal communities. These two new areas are Puerto Rico’s Northeast Reserves and Culebra Island, and Florida’s Biscayne Bay.

New lionfish web portal launched to help combat these invasive fish

The Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute and NOAA have partnered to launch a new web portal to provide managers, researchers, and the public with the latest information on the lionfish invasion in the Atlantic.

Significant investments in next generation of supercomputers to improve weather forecast

Today, NOAA announced the next phase in the agency’s efforts to increase supercomputing capacity to provide more timely, accurate, reliable, and detailed forecasts. By October 2015, the capacity of each of NOAA’s two operational supercomputers will jump to 2.5 petaflops, for a total of 5 petaflops – a nearly tenfold increase from the current capacity.

NOAA establishes ‘tipping points’ for sea level rise related flooding

By 2050, a majority of U.S. coastal areas are likely to be threatened by 30 or more days of flooding each year due to dramatically accelerating impacts from sea level rise, according to a new NOAA study, published today in the American Geophysical Union’s online peer-reviewed journal Earth’s Future.

New NOAA spacecraft readies for launch next month

NOAA’s Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR), scheduled to launch in five weeks, will give forecasters more reliable measurements of solar wind speed, improving their ability to monitor harmful solar activity, and replace an aging research satellite currently used to warn of impacts to Earth.

For more Information

Visit the NOAA website.

Mailing Address:
1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20230

Filed under: Federal