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Cooperative Research Units

The Cooperative Research Unit program was established in 1935 to enhance graduate education in fisheries and wildlife sciences and to facilitate research between natural resource agencies and universities on topics of mutual concern. Today, there are 40 Cooperative Research Units in 38 states. Each unit is a partnership among the U.S. Geological Survey, a State natural resource agency, a host university, and the Wildlife Management Institute. Staffed by Federal personnel, Cooperative Research Units conduct research on renewable natural resource questions, participate in the education of graduate students, provide technical assistance and consultation on natural resource issues, and provide continuing education for natural resource professionals.

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North Carolina State University

The College of Natural Resources (CNR) is a world leader in the use and conservation of renewable resources and recognized by many as a leading educator and researcher in forestry, environmental sciences, wood, paper, pulp, parks, recreation, and tourism. CNR believes that nurturing the environment and engineering sustainable products go hand-in-hand with helping communities and enterprises thrive. The College of Sciences is home to the physical and chemical sciences, the mathematical and statistical sciences, the biological sciences and the earth-system sciences. With departments and faculty members ranked among the nation’s best in their fields, the college's focus on multidisciplinary collaboration builds a foundation of experience that prepares students for the real world.

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Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science

The Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS) is a collaborative effort between the Forest Service, universities, and forest industry to provide information on managing forests for climate change adaptation, enhanced carbon sequestration, and sustainable production of bioenergy and materials. NIACS builds partnerships, facilitates research, and synthesizes information to bridge the gap between carbon and climate science research and the information and management needs of land owners and managers, policymakers, and members of the public. NIACS leads the Climate Change Response Framework in the Central Appalachians, Central Hardwoods, and Northwoods. The Framework is a collaborative, cross-boundary approach among scientists, managers, and landowners to incorporate climate change considerations into natural resource management.

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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Carolina’s vibrant people and programs attest to the University’s long-standing place among leaders in higher education since it was chartered in 1789 and opened its doors for students in 1795 as the nation’s first public university. Situated in the beautiful college town of Chapel Hill, N.C., UNC has earned a reputation as one of the best universities in the world. Carolina prides itself on a strong, diverse student body, academic opportunities not found anywhere else, and a value unmatched by any public university in the nation.

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Duke University

Duke Environment prides itself on its world-renowned faculty, whose expertise spans 45 environmental sectors, ranging from air quality to climate change and population growth.

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New York Natural Heritage Program

The NY Natural Heritage Program facilitates the conservation of New York’s biodiversity by providing comprehensive information and scientific expertise on rare species and natural ecosystems to resource managers and other conservation partners. We are a program of the State University of New York College Environmental Science and Forestry that is funded primarily by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and its partners.

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Pennsylvania Sea Grant

The Pennsylvania Sea Grant (PASG) promotes the sustainability of Pennsylvania’s ecological and economic coastal and watershed resources through science-based research, education, and outreach. Major Geographic Focus Areas include the Lake Erie, the Delaware River, and the Susquehanna River watersheds.

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Pennsylvania State University

Penn State is a leader in higher education and carries out its mission of teaching, research, and service with pride and focus on the future.

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West Virginia University

WVU is a family of distinctive campuses united by a single mission. From the groundbreaking research of our flagship in Morgantown to the career-oriented programs of WVU Potomac State in Keyser to the technology-intensive programs at WVU Tech in Beckley — we are leveraging our talents and resources to create a better future for West Virginia and the World.

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Moravian College

Moravian College is one of our nation’s oldest colleges, with a proud tradition of providing an outstanding education in the liberal arts and sciences.

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Trevor Zoo

The Trevor Zoo is an AZA accredited zoo located at Millbrook School in New York state. Trevor Zoo is a member of the Species Survival Program and cares for seven endangered species within the zoo exhibits, the staff also works closely with other organizations in the Hudson Valley who are focused on bringing back other indigenous local species that are nearing extinction.

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Prescribed Fire Community of Practice

The Prescribed Fire Community of Practice (CoP) provides a clearinghouse for information on conducting controlled burns and the effects of fire on plants and wildlife. The CoP also offers information on fire through articles, FAQs from the nation’s top prescribed fire personnel, and up-to-date fire news and events. The CoP is a National Cooperative Extension Resource.

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Haskell Indian Nations University

Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) is the premiere tribal university in the United States, offering quality education to Native American students. Haskell’s faculty and staff is also predominantly native. Through the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP), Haskell has been able to create a pit pond that was modified to control the water level. Controlling the water level will help Haskell benefit the wildlife that pass through and/or live on campus. Besides creating another water source, Haskell planted some of the pasturelands back to tallgrass prairie.

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Mississippi State University

At Mississippi State University, we believe in getting personal. Our university provides the academic, leadership, and social opportunities to help each person excel. Your success—in whatever field of study or career goal—is our success. We take that mission seriously. Here, faculty, staff and students share a common goal: to make the Mississippi State University experience a lifetime opportunity.

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University of Florida

At the University of Florida, we are a people of purpose. We're committed to challenging convention and ourselves. We see things not as they are, but as they could be. And we strive for a greater impact: one measured in people helped and lives improved.

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Stetson University

Founded in 1883, Stetson University is a nationally ranked private university with four colleges and schools located across the I-4 corridor in Central Florida.

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Oregon State University

Oregon State is an international public research university that draws people from all 50 states and more than 100 countries. We go wherever the challenges are, push ourselves to the very edge of what’s known and keep going. We are determined to forge solutions. We are diverse and welcoming. We embrace our responsibility to Oregon and the world, building a future that’s smarter, healthier, more prosperous and more just. We see what could be and have worked relentlessly for 150 years to make it so.

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Shippensburg University

At Shippensburg University, everyone is always seen as a whole person. We’re a student-centered university that takes a hands-on approach to supporting all members of the campus family.

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