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You are here: Home / LP Members / Organizations Search / Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund

Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund

Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund
Address 2769 Church Street
City East Point
State / Province GA
Country USA
Postal Code 30344
Website Link to website
Phone 404) 765-0991
Fax (404) 765-9178
Partnership types

The Federation has been successfully working since 1967 to provide Black farmers, landowners, and cooperatives in the Southern region with land retention assistance, cooperative development assistance, and advocacy. The Federation is a non-profit cooperative association of black farmers, landowners, and cooperatives. The majority of our farmers, landowners, cooperatives, and credit unions are in Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana. ​

Farmers , Cooperatives , NGO , African American Landowners , Black Farmers , Nonprofit organization , Equity and Inclusion , Landowners