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Prescribed Burn Associations

Prescribed Burn Associations

Prescribed Burn Associations (PBAs) are groups of landowners and other interested people who form partnerships to pool their knowledge, equipment, and other resources to conduct prescribed fires. It can be very difficult for private landowners to gain the hands-on training needed to safely and effectively use prescribed fire. PBAs can not only provide that training, but serve to build a community of engaged landowners who can connect with one another on other land management issues as well.

PBAs are most widespread in the Midwest. However the concept has become increasingly popular as interest has grown in expanding the use of prescribed fire on private lands. In the Southeast, PBAs now exist in states including North Carolina, Florida, and Mississippi. Consult the resources below to learn more about PBAs.

  • This map from the Great Plains Fire Science Exchange shows the locations of Prescribed Burn Associations across the United States.
  • The Southeast Prescribed Fire Update Prescribed Burn Associations page provides resources for those currently participating in or interested in forming a PBA.
  • This fact sheet from the Southern Fire Exchange provides an overview of the benefits of forming a Prescribed Burn Association.
  • The Oklahoma Prescribed Burn Association is a non-profit that supports local PBAs, and helps to develop new ones across Oklahoma.
  • This success story from the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy provides background on formation of the North Carolina Sandhills Prescribed Burn Association. This video provides additional background on the formation and success of the North Carolina Sandhills Prescribed Burn Association.