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The Wildland Fire site within the Landscape Partnership portal serves as a clearinghouse to support technical experts as a community of practice, currently focused on the southern states. This site links individuals and diverse groups with the information each maintains on wildland fire on their respective internet sites, and our hope is that we will send more traffic to our partners' sites. Our purpose is to increase connectivity and information sharing within the larger fire community but also between the fire community of practice and other landscape conservation practitioners using the Landscape Conservation Portal. The Wildland Fire site will also support public officials, landowners, and communities needing more information about wildland fire.

Information available here includes: use of our Expertise Search to identify who the fire practitioners are in the region, access to data or mapping and modeling decision support tools that are available or in-the-works, links to sources for current fire science, and information on upcoming training events, etc. Information needs for other fire topics related to community and property preparedness, public safety, and local community response to wildfire are not addressed on this site. In addition, the Wildland Fire site is the home of the Southeast (SE) FireMap and updates on the status and progress of that project will be posted on the site, as well as regular opportunities to provide input on the project. Click on the Fire Mapping tab for more information on the Southeast FireMap as well as Regional and National mapping activity.

Drip Torch
Photo Credit: Jay Dirks

This resource is currently funded by the Natural Resources Conservation Service of USDA and is a partnership between the Endowment for Forestry and Communities, the Longleaf Alliance, the Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability, and the Longleaf Partnership Council of America’s Longleaf Restoration Initiative. NC State staff were instrumental in consolidating content for the Wildland Fire site from the network of wildland fire partners in the Southeast.