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You are here: Home / Policies / Fire Policy Topics / Department of the Interior Policy

Department of the Interior Policy

All official policy released by the Department of the Interior can be found in the Electronic Library of the Interior Policies. The list below only includes links to recent or frequently requested documents related to wildland fire.

Secretary Orders

Policy Memos

DOI policy memos deliver implementation guidelines with limited duration or serve as interim policy until incorporated into the Departmental Manual or other official guidance.

Departmental Manuals

This series of manuals communicates the instructions of the Office of the Secretary throughout the Department, provides guidance to bureaus and offices, and serves as the primary source of information on organizational structure, authorities, and other policy. The following chapters relate specifically to wildland fire:

Series 34, Part 620: Wildland Fire Management

Series 02, Part 112, Chapter 7: Office of Wildland Fire

Bureau Policy

Four bureaus manage wildland fire on behalf of the Department of the Interior: the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Visit their websites to learn about policy specific to their operations.

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