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Organization HN Biology Investigation
En HN Biology Investigation tenemos la convicción de que la ciencia debe ser accesible para todos. Por lo cual tenemos como meta generar conocimiento por medio del uso de herramientas necesarias para nuestra formación como científicos profesionales. Para lograr lo anterior se imparten cursos y talleres tanto virtuales como presenciales, en campo y laboratorio a costos accesible al publico en general, incluso brindando becas para las personas o instituciones interesadas.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Local Brewery Creates Beer to Help the Hellbender
Lafayette Brewing Company designed the "Hellbent to Help" fundraiser to help raise funds for hellbender research, conservation and education.
Located in News & Events
USDA Awards 'Farmers Helping Hellbenders' Project $2.7 Million in Funding
The “Farmers Helping Hellbenders” project is among the projects set to receive funding through the RCCP Classic fund, which uses NRCS contracts and easements with producers, landowners and communities in collaboration with project partners.
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Organization Troff document Endangered Wildlife Trust
The Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) is one of the largest and most respected biodiversity conservation NGOs in southern Africa. We have been in operation since 1973 and have more than 100 projects on the go.
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In the North Carolina mountains, biologists work to give North America’s bog turtles a fighting chance.
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Hellbender Research Featured in New Documentary
Dr. Rod Williams' hellbender research, the Purdue rearing lab and more than 12 years of the lab's work are featured in a new documentary, Hellbender in the Blue, produced by Teardrop Pictures.
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While many migratory birds are spending warm sunny days in Central and South America, Vermont biologists are braving the cold to improve conditions for birds when they return from their wintering grounds to breed in Vermont.
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While we could have gone in with a bush hog mower, we tried something new this year – goats, adorable and effective goats.
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Southeast Trust for Parks & Land (STPAL) and their Wildlife Consultant, Vic Vansant, is undertaking a project with Ecoforester, Carolina Audubon, USDA Equip program, and State of North Carolina Forestry and DENR to create 16-acres of habitat for the “near threatened” golden-winged warbler (GWWA) on 750-acres Bald Mountain Creek Nature Preserve in Yancey County, NC. This bird’s population has declined 98% in the Appalachians in the past 45 years, primarily due to habitat loss.
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A Collaborative Approach to Restore Bog Turtle Populations
Like the bog turtle itself, bog turtle populations in North Carolina are very small. A collaborative effort between multiple conservation organizations hopes to change that by giving them a little help.
Located in News & Webinars / Bog Turtle News