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In the North Carolina mountains, biologists work to give North America’s bog turtles a fighting chance.
Located in News & Events
A Collaborative Approach to Restore Bog Turtle Populations
Like the bog turtle itself, bog turtle populations in North Carolina are very small. A collaborative effort between multiple conservation organizations hopes to change that by giving them a little help.
Located in News & Webinars / Bog Turtle News
NY NRCS Area Biologist Reflects on Nearly Two Decades of Conservation Success
Elizabeth Marks, NRCS Area Biologist, discusses the Bog Turtle Working Lands for Wildlife partnership in New York
Located in News & Webinars
Organization West Virginia Highlands Conservancy
The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy promotes, encourages and works for the conservation – including both preservation and wise management – and appreciation of the natural resources of West Virginia and the Nation. We focus primarily on the Highlands Region of West Virginia, but our work is for the cultural, social, educational, physical health, spiritual and economic benefit of present and future generations of residents and visitors alike.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search