Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture Annual Meeting
There has been a substantial amount of activity within the EBTJV partnership over the last year and this will be a great opportunity for information dissemination, discussion, and input from all involved.
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NE CSC Fish Habitat Data Viewer Planning
The PIs of the NE CSC funded project A Decisions Support Mapper for Conserving Stream Fish Habitats of the NE CSC Region, will be holding a Stakeholder’s webinar: "NE CSC Fish Habitat Data Viewer Planning".
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Stream Restoration Challenge Kicks Off with Spring Plantings
This spring, more than 2,000 students from across Maryland got an early start on their Earth Day contributions, planting trees to improve water quality through Governor Martin O’Malley’s Stream Restoration Challenge. The program ─ which is still accepting proposals ─ provides grants for students and groups to carry out projects to improve Chesapeake Bay water quality through service learning and environmental education activities.
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Service Estimates Economic Impact of Critical Habitat Designation for Fluted Kidneyshell and Slabside Pearlymussel
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announces the availability of a draft economic analysis considering the impact of a proposal to designate critical habitat for two freshwater mussels proposed for listing as endangered.
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Celebrating 1 Million Feet of Conservation Fence in West Virginia
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Trout Unlimited, working in partnership with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and Farm Service Agency, West Virginia Conservation Agency, Canaan Valley NWR, numerous non-governmental organizations and many landowners, have installed over 1 million feet of conservation fence throughout the state of West Virginia.
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Endangered and Threatened Fishes Return to Home Waters in Tennessee
Five federally endangered and threatened fish species – smoky madtom, yellowfin madtom, duskytail darter, spotfin chub, and boulder darter – have been reintroduced to streams in central Tennessee where they were once found to help speed their recovery.
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lists Neosho Mucket as Endangered and Rabbitsfoot as Threatened
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is listing the Neosho mucket as endangered and the Rabbitsfoot as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Both species are freshwater mussels found in river systems in the eastern half of the United States.
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A bold plan: The story of WVU and the salvation of a historic home for brook trout
A team at WVU has been working for years with the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources to examine all of the factors that led to warmer temperatures, a wider and shallower stream and other changes that over time threatened the brook trout productivity of this important natural and economic resource.
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Ecology Team Improves Understanding of Valley-wide Stream Chemistry
A geostatistical approach for studying environmental conditions in stream networks and landscapes has been successfully applied at a valley-wide scale to assess headwater stream chemistry at high resolution, revealing unexpected patterns in natural chemical components.
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FY2015 Brook Trout Conservation Funding Opportunity
The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) is seeking project proposals focused on conserving the habitats needed to support healthy and productive wild Brook Trout populations.
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