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File 2023 Shade Your Stream Grant Program Request for Proposals
Non-point source pollution poses many threats to aquatic and human life across the Tennessee River Basin. In 2020, Tennessee River Basin Network partners voiced their concern about this growing threat and the need to collectively increase capacity to address it. In response, the Tennessee River Basin Network launched a Shade Your Stream grant program in 2021. This program supports individuals and organizations that empower people and their communities to effectively safeguard their watershed’s aquatic and human life through outreach and a hands- on, cost-effective, user-friendly riparian restoration technique.
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Funding Announcement: 2023 Shade Your Stream Grant Program
Streambank Restoration Funding | AL, GA, KY, MS, NC, TN & VA.
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RCPP Funding in 2024: Tips for Applicants
The Rural Climate Partnership is hosting a webinar on RCPP funding on Wednesday, April 24th at 12pm CT. Kari Cohen, the former RCPP lead at USDA, will provide an overview of the funding announcement, provide advice for prospective applicants, and answer any questions. Through the Rural Climate Partnership, Kari is available to provide 1:1 proposal guidance to nonprofit applicants - join to learn more!
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Federal and state agencies offer a variety of voluntary assistance programs that help private landowners manage their land sustainably. The Sentinel Landscapes (DOI, USDA, DoD) developed a tool for landowners to understand how these programs may help meet their current needs.
Located in Landowner Information / Landowner Resources
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Central Appalachia Habitat Stewardship Program Announces Funding for Projects to Support Hellbender Conservation
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has has announced grant awards for the 2022 cycle of its Central Appalachia Habitat Stewardship Program and several of the awards will benefit Eastern hellbenders.
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File Annual Funding Opportunity USGS Climate Science Centers
Fiscal Year 2013 and 2014
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WCS Climate Adaptation Fund Webinar
The Wildlife Conservation Society is pleased to announce the next round of grantmaking through the Climate Adaptation Fund. Interested organizations should carefully review the guidelines outlined in the Request for Proposals and the Applicant Guidance Document.
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USGS Climate Science Centers Annual Funding Opportunity
Funding Opportunity Announcement for the eight Department of Interior Climate Science Centers (CSC) for Fiscal Years 2013 and 2014.
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RISA Program Federal Funding Opportunity
The NOAA Climate Program Office is pleased to announce that its Federal Funding Opportunity for the RISA program is now available at
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Federal/private partnership brings in 4-to-1 taxpayer returns for conservation
The USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation partnership created $40.5 million out of an initial $10.3 million taxpayer investment in 2011 for on-the-ground conservation efforts throughout the United States.
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