Incorporating the Benefits of Natural and Working Lands in Conservation Planning
Katie Warnell, Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke University, gave this seminar March 22, 2022, as part of our Spring virtual science seminar series highlighting SE CASC funded projects supporting resource management actions across the Southeast.
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Modeling Hydrologic Simulations for Past & Future Conditions across the Conterminous US
This data release contains inputs for and outputs from hydrologic simulations for the conterminous United States (CONUS) using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) version 5.1.0 and the USGS National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure (NHMI).
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Science Seminar Sept 17: New Project Lightning Talks
Researcher + partner pairs talk about their newly funded projects for FY24.
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SE CASC Newsletter May 2024
Welcome to the Southeast CASC Newsletter | May 2024
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Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Newsletter
SE CASC Science Seminar on Research for Adaptation Planning at Gulf Islands National Seashore
Join us for our Spring virtual science seminar series highlighting SE CASC funded projects supporting resource management actions across the Southeast. Each month a SE CASC researcher will provide an overview of their work and the management implications of their research findings
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SE CASC Science Seminar on Forecasting Conservation Strategies’ Influence on Landscape Connectivity
Join us for our Spring virtual science seminar series highlighting SE CASC funded projects supporting resource management actions across the Southeast. Each month a SE CASC researcher will provide an overview of their work and the management implications of their research findings.
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SE CASC Science Seminar, January 22: New Project Lightning Talks
Join us for a series of 5-minute talks summarizing newly funded SE CASC projects.
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SECASC Applications open for Dec 7-14 Winter Institute on Invasive Vines
Applications are now open for the upcoming "Integrative Approaches to Investigate Invasive Species and Landscapes Winter Institute: Vines." This all-expenses paid graduate student program is being led by faculty at the University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras from December 7-14, 2024.
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Southeast CASC Newsletter June 2024
Welcome to the Southeast CASC Newsletter | June 2024
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WLFW Newsletters
Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Newsletter
Southeast CASC Science Seminar: Improving Projections of Societal Responses to Sea Level Rise and Frequent Flooding
In this talk, we will highlight a framework that permits simultaneously considering scenarios of urban growth, increases in flood hazard due to climate change, and human adaptive response (based on socio-economic vulnerability or ability to cope with flood damage). Specifically, we will focus on scenario-based approaches that allow exploring plausible adaptation strategies (i.e., elevating homes, moving homes, coastal armoring) and consider local adaptive capacity and the non-economic factors that influence a choice.
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