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Ag a perfect place to 'do science' (Editorial)
Using agriculture as a venue for science aligns perfectly with the “do science” mentality. The hands-on action-oriented learning in real-life conditions tricks young students into learning by stimulating their senses and curiosity. It exposes them to so many scientific realms that they often learn they like something they never knew about.
Located in News & Events
Project Alabama Statewide Crayfish Survey
Stuart McGergor - Geologial Survey of Alabama
Located in Projects
File Appalachian LCC - First Annual Report 2011
This report details the formation and achievements of the Appalachian LCC in its first year. During this year, the Appalachian LCC set in place the governance and decision-making Interim Steering Committee body, identified partners and partnerships that would be critical to achieving its mission, and made a number of important decisions to set the direction and tone of the partnership. Each of these decisions is leading to progress toward the primary goal of improving the science foundation for conservation work in the Appalachians.
Located in Cooperative / Publications & Outreach
Appalachian LCC part of Premiere Climate Education and Literacy Training Program
The inaugural Educator Climate and Conservation Colloquium (or EC3) brought together 50 teachers and school decision makers from across the nation to receive training on campus sustainability and wildlife conservation issues to better serve schools and communities.
Located in News & Events
File CASRI Annual Report 2012
The Central Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative Annual Report for 2012
Located in Resources / General Resources Holdings / Education and Outreach
Organization Desert Foothills Library
The Mission of the Desert Foothills Library is to enrich the Desert Foothills Community by promoting literacy and advancing knowledge through library resources and programs that inspire and support lifelong learning.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Environmental Education Update - Landscape Conservation Cooperatives
This session will feature Elsa Haubold, National LCC Coordinator, Jean Brennan, Appalachian LCC Coordinator and Laura McClean, Science Applications Communications Manager presenting an update on the Cooperatives and sharing information about environmental educational resources available for use by educators.
Located in News & Events / Events
Environmental Educator Broadcast: Landscape Conservation Cooperatives
On August 26th, Appalachian LCC Coordinator Jean Brennan, National LCC Coordinator Elsa Haubold, and National LCC Communication Coordinator Laura McClean participated in a live broadcast that provided an update on the work of Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) to environmental educators.
Located in News & Events
Environmental Educators Update broadcast on LCC
Broadcast to introduce the National Conservation Training Center about Landscape Conservation Cooperatives and the conservation evolution to a new landscape and community engagement focus and strategic habitat approach to conservation.
Located in News & Events / Events
In Cities Across the U.S., Americans Will Gain Improved Access to the Health Benefits of Nature thanks to New, Expanded Urban Partnerships
Over $2 million for groundbreaking U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-led partnerships to engage local communities, advance wildlife conservation, reach the next generation of conservation leaders
Located in News & Events