Climate Projections FAQrmrs_gtr277.pdf
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Project Documents
Climate Resilience: What to Expect, How to Prepare, and What You Can Learn from Others
Join us for a webcast on climate resilience – the capacity of an individual, community, or institution to dynamically and effectively respond to shifting climate impacts while continuing to function at an acceptable level.
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News & Events
Climate Science Center Research Funding Opportunity for FY 14
The U.S. Department of the Interior Northeast, South Central, and Southwest Climate Science Centers (CSCs) are seeking proposals for FY 2014. Proposals are invited for projects that support CSC science priorities.
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Climate Science Centers and U.S. Geological Survey National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center—Annual report for 2015
2015 was another great year for the Department of the Interior (DOI) Climate Science Centers (CSCs) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center (NCCWSC) network.
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News & Events
Climate Simulations for Southeast and Appalachians
A DOI Southeast Climate Science Center funded research project will be evaluating the latest generation of global climate models to generate scenarios of future change to climate, hydrology, and vegetation for the Southeastern U.S. as well as the entire range of the Appalachian LCC.
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Climate Webinar: Exploring Snowfall in the United States
The number of snowfall events in a given area has a large impact on road maintenance and water resources management. Snowfall data collected in the United States between 1930 and 2007 at seven locations shows how snowfall frequency has changed over time, and relates the information to a changing global climate.
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Videos and Webinars
Climate-informed management of oak ecosystems in the Central Hardwoods region
Global climate changes will lead to local impacts on oak ecosystems throughout the central hardwoods region, including shifts in habitat suitability for different species, changes in soil moisture regime, and effects on insect pests, diseases, and species invasion.
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Climate-Smart Seedlot Selection Tool Webinar: Reforestation and Restoration for the 21st Century
This project’s main objective is to produce an interactive mapping application that will help forest managers match seedlots with planting sites.
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Climate.gov wins two Webby Awards and a People’s Voice Award!
NOAA Climate.gov was selected by the International Academy of the Digital Arts & Sciences to receive two Webby Awards in the "Government" and "Green" categories. They also garnered a People's Voice Award in the "Green" category (placing second overall in the "Government" category).
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Coastal Resiliency
Coastal resilience is an increasingly important topic as impacts from climate change such as accelerated sea level rise and enhanced storm intensity gain prominence. The Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013, which was motivated by Hurricane Sandy related damage, supported many projects throughout the affected region, including the projects found in the following pages.
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