Agenda - March 11, 2015 Workshop
Urban Woodlands Conservation and Management Workshop. Organized and facilitated by the National Park Service to identify and create opportunities for greater collaboration among urban woodland researchers and managers working to restore and manage urban woodland ecosystems.
To view the goals and objectives of the workshop, please open the workshop agenda.
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Cultural Resources
Urban Conservation
Urban Woodlands Conservation and Restoration
Climate Change Adaptation - TNC Florida
We are using the Adaptation Workbook to consider climate change adaptation actions for four different preserves in Florida.
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News & Events
Workshop Approach for Developing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Actions for Natural Resource Management Agencies in the United States
Workshop Approach for Developing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Actions for Natural Resource Management Agencies in the United States Image
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General Resources Holdings
Putting the Nation on a Path for Climate Resilience and Preparedness: NOAA's Information and Expertise
Information seekers can turn to NOAA personnel on the ground to access and apply available information to specific questions and needs. NOAA provides a wide range of climate information through monthly, seasonal and decade forecasts and data tailored to the specific needs of different sectors. NOAA uses this same information to take direct action to increase the resilience and facilitate adaptation of the nation’s valuable marine and coastal resources and the people that depend on them.
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Enhancing the Climate Resilience of America’s Natural Resources
The President's Climate and Natural Resources Priority Agenda is the result of an interagency process to inventory and assess current policies, programs, and regulations related to climate change adaptation. The Agenda builds upon the robust climate change adaptation work already accomplished by Federal agencies and identifies significant actions moving forward. It specifically mentions how Federal agencies working to address ecosystem management issues through LCCs and other multi-stakeholder bodies will work with partners to select flagship geographic regions for which they will identify priority areas for conservation, restoration, or other investments to build resilience in vulnerable regions, enhance carbon storage capacity, and support management needs. Within 24 months, these agencies and their partners will have identified and mapped the initial list of priority areas within each of the selected geographic landscapes or regions.
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“One Stick at a Time” in pursuit of climate adaptations for a more sustainable future
This film follows land managers in the Methow Valley, Washington for over a year, from forests to rivers, from fires to snowfall, from beaver capture to release as they try to come to grips with the impacts of climate change and the possible adaptation options right in front of them. It is a conversation starter for answering the question "What can I do?" With support from the best climate experts in the Northwest, it is a chance for each of us to think about what our landscapes will be like ten decades from now. It is a nudge to start today to make our surroundings better than they would be if we did nothing. The film was conceived as part of the 10 Decades Project, the goal of which is to inspire thousands of us to take measurable, concrete steps for climate adaptation in every area for which we are responsible.
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Videos and Webinars
The Adaptation Workbook - Building Your Climate Adaptation Plan
A collaboration between the Climate Learning Network and the Climate Science Initiative, this webinar provides an overview of the Adaptation Workbook, an online, interactive, and practical workbook that helps land managers develop their own custom built climate change adaptation plans (www.adaptationworkbook.org).
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Videos and Webinars
U.S. Global Change Research Program
The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) is a federal program mandated by Congress to coordinate federal research and investments in understanding the forces shaping the global environment, both human and natural, and their impacts on society. USGCRP facilitates collaboration and cooperation across its 13 federal member agencies to advance understanding of the changing Earth system and maximize efficiencies in federal global change research.
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LP Members
Organizations Search
The Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series
Planning for Climate Change Adaptation: Considerations for Forests, Wildlife, and Land Use
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News & Events
Building Climate Solutions: 14th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment
Join over 1,200 key individuals from many fields of sciences and engineering, government and policy, business and civil society to advance solutions to climate change.
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