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You are here: Home / Training / Videos and Webinars / TN Wild Side - Conservation Fisheries...Saving Our Fish

TN Wild Side - Conservation Fisheries...Saving Our Fish

TN Wild Side - Conservation Fisheries...Saving Our Fish

Over the years we've encountered some very special people and organizations dedicated to preserving the Wild Side of our great state. All have the common goal of ensuring a more certain future for wildlife and their habitat. That's why we like to tell you about the good work being done by groups like Conservation Fisheries Incorporated. C-F-I is dedicated to preserving the biodiversity of our rivers and streams, often working to save small fish eliminated or badly harmed by pollution or habitat destruction. Wild Side Guide Alan Griggs tells the story of Pat Rakes and J.R. Shute, two University of Tennessee students who took their passion for our natural waters to a new level, in the process creating a better world for us all.