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You are here: Home / Training / Videos and Webinars / Planning Your Landowner Engagement Strategy to Reach Your Big Goals (Part II)

Planning Your Landowner Engagement Strategy to Reach Your Big Goals (Part II)

Planning Your Landowner Engagement Strategy to Reach Your Big Goals (Part II)

Part II of a webinar series hosted by TELE - Tools for Engaging Landowners Effectively

Do you want to make sure your outreach and programming are supporting your large, landscape goals? Are you unsure whether or not that landowner event is really the right activity? Are you struggling to figure out how to get landowners to go from inaction to action? If so, this TELE webinar is just for you.

In Part 2 of this special two-part webinar we build on the lessons from Part 1 by:
+Addressing common challenges with using the Ladder of Engagement
+Examining sample Ladders submitted by participants
+Plugging in partners and resources to build success
+Overlaying evaluation to further improve your programming

[There were a number of great resources shared during the webinar through the chat, not visible in this video, they’re included below.]

+Resources for Choosing Service Providers
->Choosing a Forestry Contractor or Consultant:
->Choosing the Right Service Provider for your Family Forest: Logging Contractor:
->Choosing the Right Tree-Planting Contractor for Your Family Forest:

+Legacy Planning Resources
->Your Land, Your Legacy (estate planning resource for landowners):
->Full suite of legacy planning resources from UMass Amhest:
->Ties to the Land (a full suite of legacy planning resources from Oregon State: University)

**Part 1 used case examples to explain how the Ladder of Engagement tool can help you assess and improve your landowner programming. Part 1:

Filed under: Engagement, Webinar, Landowners