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Reporting Dashboard Collection

Reporting Dashboard
Title Description Tags Creation Date
Tennessee Priority Area Shapefiles Northern Bobwhite Priority Areas, Northern Bobwhite Grasslands and Savannas Partnership 2022-2026 Information, WLFW, Northern Bobwhite Quail, Boundaries & Priority Area Shapefiles, Southeast, Tennessee, Maps and Spatial Data, Grasslands and Savannas, Working... Aug 16, 2021 03:04 PM
Virginia Priority Area Shapefiles Northern Bobwhite Priority Areas, Northern Bobwhite Grasslands and Savannas Partnership 2022-2026 Information, WLFW, Virginia, Northern Bobwhite Quail, Boundaries & Priority Area Shapefiles, Southeast, Maps and Spatial Data, Grasslands and Savannas, Working ... Jun 29, 2021 09:53 AM
BBS Hotspots for Northern bobwhite Hot spot map based on breeding bird survey data for northern bobwhite, as of 2011. map, WLFW, Information, Northern Bobwhite Quail, Maps and Spatial Data, Grasslands and Savannas, Working Lands for Wildlife, Breeding Bird Survey, Northern bobw... Mar 07, 2022 03:13 PM
Brook Trout Thermal Habitat Forecasts Catoctin Mountain Park, Maryland & Shenandoah Valley, Virginia Users can zoom-in to an area of interest and then compare current conditions against various future scenarios (3 levels of air temperature change x 3 levels of ... Brook Trout, Apps, Maps, & Data, Maps and Data, WLFW Apr 11, 2024 01:19 AM
Literature by Brook Trout Modeling Group Literature Brook Trout, Brook Trout and Stream Temperature Modeling Workshop Meetings Mar 22, 2015 04:10 PM
A New Way to Support EBTJV-Shop Select RepYourWater Merchandise to Further our Brook Trout Conservation Efforts Shop Select RepYourWater Merchandise to Further our Brook Trout Conservation Efforts-The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) is excited to announce its co... Brook Trout, News, Conservation Oct 04, 2019 02:14 PM
Trout Unlimited Brook Trout Atlas The following interactive atlases provide a means to explore mapped data related to brook trout populations, habitats, and threats in local watersheds and acros... Brook Trout, WLFW, Maps and Data, Trout Unlimited, Apps, Maps, & Data Apr 10, 2024 09:08 PM
WLFW Northern bobwhite, Grasslands, and Savannas Framework - Partners’ webinar 3/2/2022 On March 2, 2022 Bridgett Costanzo of NRCS's Working Lands for Wildlife and Jessica McGuire of QF presented on the WLFW framework for NOBO, grasslands and savan... Webinars and Instructional Videos, Training Resources, WLFW, Brush management, Grasslands, Northern Bobwhite Quail, Precision agriculture, Webinar, Prescribed B... Feb 10, 2023 09:26 PM
Ecosystem Processes and Human Influences Regulate Streamflow Response to Climate Change at Long-Term Ecological Research Sites Analyses of long-term records at 35 headwater basins in the United States and Canada indicate that climate change effects on streamflow are not as clear as migh... Budyko curve, Streamflow, Hydrology, Hydrologic cycle, Consumption, Land cover, Climate Change, Consumer demand, Watersheds, Water supply, El Nino Southern Osci... Oct 21, 2014 01:41 AM
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) The Bureau of Land Management's mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future ge... WLFW, Eastern Deciduous Forests, Federal Agencies, Western Landscapes, Bureau of Land Management, Grasslands and Savannas Sep 21, 2022 04:10 PM
Characterizing Fire-on-Fire interactions in three Large Wilderness areas The interaction of fires, where one fire burns into another recently burned area, is receiving increased attention from scientists and land managers wishing to ... Burn intensity, Forest fire, Climate Change, Fire-on-fire, Evergreen forests, Biomass burning, Burn re-reburn Oct 21, 2014 02:46 AM
Xerces Society The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is an international nonprofit organization that protects the natural world through the conservation of inverteb... Wildlife Conservation, Monarch Butterfly, Pollinators, NGO, Nonprofit organization, Butterflies, Bees, Endangered Species Nov 28, 2023 10:12 AM
A systems approach to evaluating the air quality co-benefits of US carbon policies Because human activities emit greenhouse gases (GHGs) and conventional air pollutants from common sources, policy designed to reduce GHGs can have co-benefits f... CO2, Air quality, Climate Change, Cost benefit analysis, GHG, Carbon policy, Human health, Human civilization, Co-benefits, Human Dimensions Oct 21, 2014 04:14 AM
CO2 emissions from forest loss Deforestation is the second largest anthropogenic source of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, after fossil fuel combustion. Following a budget reanalysis, the c... CO2, Carbon stocks, Carbon cycle, Climate Change, Greenhouse gases, Forests, Carbon Capture and Storage, Deforestation, Forest Management, Carbon sink, Carbon s... Oct 21, 2014 03:55 AM
Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle feedbacks: results from an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model.pdf Inclusion of fundamental ecological interactions between carbon and nitrogen cycles in the land component of an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGC... CO2, CO2 and nitrogen, Carbon stocks, Carbon cycle, Climate Change, Nitrogen fertilization, Carbon flux, Greenhouse gases, Nitrogen availability, Forest Managem... Oct 21, 2014 01:46 AM
Enhanced Seasonal Exchange of CO2 by Northern Ecosystems Since 1960 Seasonal variations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Northern Hemisphere have increased since the 1950s, but sparse observations have prevented a clea... CO2, Carbon stocks, Gas exchange, High latitude, Climate Change, Altitude, Carbon flux, Greenhouse gases, Forests, Carbon Capture and Storage, Carbon cycle, Mid... Oct 21, 2014 05:22 AM
Coupling of CO2 and Ice Sheet Stability Over Major Climate Transitions of the Last 20 Million Years During the Middle Miocene, when temperatures were ~3° to 6°C warmer and sea level 25 to 40 meters higher than present, pCO2 was similar to modern levels. CO2, Coupling, Climate Change, Sea level, Climate sensitivity, Ice, Middle Miocene, Temperature Oct 21, 2014 05:29 AM
CO2 emissions from land-use change affected more by nitrogen cycle, than by the choice of land-cover data The high uncertainty in land-based CO2 fluxes estimates is thought to be mainly due to uncertainty in not only quantifying historical changes among forests, cro... CO2, Forest Management, Climate Change, Grasslands, Forests, Nitrogen availability, Crops and cropland, Land management, Land Use, Nitrogen fertilization, CO2 a... Oct 21, 2014 03:02 AM
Insect herbivory alters impact of atmospheric change on northern temperate forests Stimulation of forest productivity by elevated concentrations of CO2 is expected to partially offset continued increases in anthropogenic CO2 emissions. However... CO2, Limits, Herbivorous insects, Terrestrial ecosystems, Climate Change, Forests, Temperate forests, Carbon cycle, Carbon sink, Carbon sequestration, Limits to... Jul 12, 2015 04:12 PM
Climate: Sawyer predicted rate of warming in 1972 Excerpt: "In four pages Sawyer summarized what was known about the role of carbon dioxide in enhancing the natural greenhouse effect, and made a remarkable pred... CO2, Predicted change, Temperature, Climate Change, Energy, Fossil fuel combustion, Greenhouse gases, Sawyer, Heat, Rates of change, Emissions Jun 30, 2015 09:03 PM