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Virginia Herpetological Society

Organized in 1958, the Virginia Herpetological Society brings together people interested in advancing their knowledge of Virginia's reptiles and amphibians. The VHS encourages scientific study of Virginia herpetofauna and its conservation. Education continues to be an important society function.

Society meetings are held twice each year, in spring and fall, at different locations throughout the state. The program is open to all members and guestsand includes an educational workshop, a business meeting, and a contributed papers session during which members present information on their research and interest with Virginia's reptile and amphibians.

The Fall Meeting Workshop trains members and educators on the identification, conservation, and captive care of common reptile and amphibian species, as well as those that are threatened and endangered. A two-day trip during the Spring meeting teaches members field sampling techniques and identification by professional herpetologists.

