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National Report on Sustainable Forests

National Report on Sustainable Forests
This is a report on the state of forests in the United States of America and the indicators of national progress toward the goal of sustainable forest management. The report is designed to provide information that will improve public dialog and decision making on desired outcomes and needed actions to move the Nation toward this goal. The 64 indicators of forest sustainability used in the report reflect many of the environmental, social, and economic concerns of the American public regarding forests, and they help us establish a quantitative baseline for measuring progress toward sustainability. While the report presents data primarily at a national or regional level, it also provides a valuable context for related efforts to ensure sustainability at other geographic and political scales. Action at all levels is vital to achieving sustainable forest management in the United States. The current edition includes 130 pages of detailed information organized by indicator, as well as summary analyses and policy recommendations. Over 30 Forest Service scientists, senior staff and outside collaborators contributed to this edition of the report. A previous edition of the report was released in 2003, and an update is anticipated for 2015. Questions or comments about the report or the project as a whole are greatly appreciated and can be directed to Guy Robertson (see box on left).

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Source: USDA

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Filed under: Report, Sustainability