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You are here: Home / Resources / General Resources Holdings / RFA 6 - Understanding Land Use and Climate Change in the Appalachian Landscape - Word Doc

RFA 6 - Understanding Land Use and Climate Change in the Appalachian Landscape - Word Doc

The APLCC intends to understand and address major environmental and human-related vulnerabilities of species as it relates to climate change stressors and develop adaptation strategies in response to climate change. This project will identify species and habitats vulnerable to climate change impacts, and describe vulnerabilities in sufficient detail to inform conservation partners who can then plan adaptive management responses, and compile a tabular, geo-referenced database for the Appalachian LCC website with a list of species/communities by taxonomic group/province identified as most vulnerable using the methodology determined to be of highest quality and best suited to the need of the Appalachians.

DOWNLOAD FILE — application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 30 kB (31,413 bytes)

Filed under: Climate Change