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Appalachian LCC Conservation Priorities Science Needs Workshop - November 29th-30th, 2011

The workshop will assemble a group of researchers and managers from across the Appalachian region to identify the broad suite of decision-support tools and science information needs to address the conservation challenges and opportunities across the landscape.

Appalachian LCC Conservation Priorities Science Needs Workshop

November 29th-30th, 2011

Blacksburg, VA

Workshop Purpose: The workshop will assemble a group of researchers and managers from across the Appalachian region to identify the broad suite of decision-support tools and science information needs to address the conservation challenges and opportunities across the landscape. The resulting “Portfolio” of science needs will serve as a critical guiding framework to help facilitate and support conservation planning, delivery, and applied research and monitoring efforts across the Appalachian LCC. Participating researchers and managers were invited to attend the workshop as the result of nomination process.

This website allows you to participate in the workshop remotely. You can:

  • View recorded presentations about landscape level science from regional conservation leaders
  • Read the agenda and read each day’s summary notes of workshop results
  • Watch live broadcasts (these will also be archived) of the workshop plenary sessions

Please use the links below to navigate through the workshop materials provided to all participants, Day 1 and Day 2 notes that summarize the results from all work groups, previously recorded webinars as additional workshop resources, and links to view the live broadcast of morning and afternoon plenary sessions, as well as the archived broadcasts.

Workshop Materials

Plenary Session PowerPoints

Opening Remarks and Welcome.  Speaker: Paul Johansen, Asst. Chief in Charge of Game Management, WV Div. of Natural Resources and Appalachian LCC Vice-Chairman

The Appalachian LCC within the Regional Conservation Context: Introduction to the Northeast Conservation Framework Speaker:  Dr. Ken Elowe, Assistant Regional Director - Science Applications, USFWS

Landscape Planning: Examples and Lessons Learned Speaker: Dr. Rob Baldwin, Assistant Professor, Clemson University

Framing the Appalachian Challenges and the Science Needs Component Speaker: Dr. Jean Brennan, Appalachian LCC Coordinator

Our Work – Setting out the Workshop Process, Expectations and Outcomes Speaker:  Chris Burkett, Senior Biologist, VA Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries and Lead Technical Facilitator


Summary Notes


Plenary Session Broadcasts

Watch live streaming video from r5broadcasts at
Watch live streaming video from r5broadcasts at
Watch live streaming video from r5broadcasts at
Watch live streaming video from r5broadcasts at
Filed under: APP LCC Workshop, Our Work