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You are here: Home / Resources / Help / Decision Support Tools Help / How to Find Priority Score using GeoNode Conservation Design GIS Portal

How to Find Priority Score using GeoNode Conservation Design GIS Portal

The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture has developed priority scores for project selection to assist in identifying areas that are best for restoration, best for enhancement, and best for protection for the states in the EBTJV region.

How to find a priority score for a project:

1. Zoom to the location, either using the "+" or by entering the location in the search bar.

2.  Once you see the polygon for your site, click on the polygon to obtain a box of information, including priority score (priority_s).

3.  The polygons are also color-coded by priority score.

Note:  The priority score tool works best with web browsers Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.  The tool may not work with Internet Explorer.

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