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You are here: Home / Research / Funded Projects / Integrating Cultural Resource Preservation at a Landscape Level / Cultural Resources Fellowship / Executive Summary - Present and Future Possibilities of Landscape Scale Conservation

Executive Summary - Present and Future Possibilities of Landscape Scale Conservation

Executive Summary - Present and Future Possibilities of Landscape Scale Conservation
The Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) program was created under a secretarial order to develop regional conservation partnerships – under the Department of the Interior – that aimed to coordinate regional conservation planning in response to climate change impacts. Because they were partner-driven efforts, each of the 22 LCCs followed a distinct trajectory and implemented diverse projects, meaning that there is value in exploring how specific LCCs, such as the AppLCC, approached regional conservation. This study assesses the successes, limitations, and impacts of the AppLCC, with the aim of providing insights for future regional conservation partnership.

Publication Date: 2018

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