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You are here: Home / Research / Funded Projects / Assessing Vulnerability of Species and Habitats to Large-scale Impacts / Phase I: Alternatives for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment: Expert Panel Findings PDF

Phase I: Alternatives for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment: Expert Panel Findings PDF

Phase I: Alternatives for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment: Expert Panel Findings PDF
In 2012, the Appalachian LCC tasked NatureServe with a two-phase project that explores the understanding of climate change in the Appalachian landscape. The first phase focused on assembling a panel of experts to provide guidance on a) prioritizing species and habitats to assess vulnerability to climate change; b) selecting approaches to conduct vulnerability assessments, and c) identifying appropriate climate data to use in the assessments. Using the recommendations of the Panel, the second phase of the research conducted vulnerability analyses on selected species and habitats, and provided results within the context of other existing assessments. This report summarizes Phase I of this effort.

Publication Date: 2014

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