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Modified items

All recently modified items, latest first.
AppLCC - Goal 4
Goal 4 update reporting on progress as of Aug 2014
AppLCC - Goal 3
Goal 3 update reporting on progress as of Aug 2014
AppLCC - Goal 2
Goal 2 update reporting on progress as of Aug 2014
AppLCC - Goal 1
Goal 1 update reporting on progress as of Aug 2014
SIAS 2.0 - Instructions (word)
SIAS 2.0 - Instructions (word)
SIAS 2.0 - xls Blank
This is the most recent (and proposed for FY14 reporting) xls template that all LCCs will use in FY14 reporting. It will be discussed in the Oct 2014 National Coordinator's training session at NCTC.
NA - general resource materials
AppLCC - general resource materials
Funding Reporting: NAS request (2015)
AppLCC - Work Plan [Tasks] and [Goals] Reporting
SIAS - 2014
AppLCC 2014 P-Track (CC) Reporting
Response to request from Rick Bennett, for P-Track (Climate) Reporting to DOI. NOTE: added the specific research-projects associated with each score to help in future reporting.
4 NFWPCAS AppLCC Crosswalk
Crosswalk between the Appalachian LCC Objectives, Actions/Tasks, and Funded Research as addressed in 5-Year Work Plan and the National Fish, Wildlife and Plant Climate Adaptation Strategy
P-Track FY2014 reporting: AppLCC - (jb) corrected-2
P-Track FY2014 reporting AppLCC (jb) corrected-2
North Atlantic LCC - NFWPCAS Strategy Crosswalk
North Atlantic LCC - NFWPCAS Crosswalk of strategies and actions
National Fish Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy strategies and goals
National Fish Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy goals, strategies and actions from Chapter 3 of the document
FWS-Adaptation Reporting - xls - on Workshops
This is a FWS reporting template (xls) used by all regions of the FWS to their LCCs on reporting any "Adaptation Workshops."
Historic-Reference_CC-HighPerformGoalAction - draft
This appears to be an early (2011-2012) draft to guide DOI reporting under the Climate Change activities: Vulnerability Assessment, Strategies, Data Collection etc. Provides a glossary/definitions of term section.
CC-AdaptationActivities - Guidance
DOI required annual reporting as part of an Executive Order on "Climate Change Adaptation Activities." Each FWS operating unit, including LCCs, report to the FWS and rolls-up to DOI reporting under the EO.
CC-AdaptationActivities - Template 1
DOI required annual reporting as part of an Executive Order on "Climate Change Adaptation Activities." Each FWS operating unit, including LCCs, report to the FWS and rolls-up to DOI reporting under the EO.