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Issue - Invasives - DOI-NEPA
Themes outlined in the report reflect a sample of key points described in bureau submissions; this is not an exhaustive list. Specific details are included in the submissions provided by each bureau and office that responded to the questionnaire. Applicability NEPA analysis can apply to 1) actions for which prevention/control of invasive species is the primary purpose of the action, and 2) actions for which the purpose of the action is to execute program or projects, such as operations, maintenance or construction activities, during which invasive species prevention/control may not be the primary purpose but invasive species risks should be considered and minimized. Challenges to NEPA Compliance Lack of training in NEPA compliance and access to technical support; Limitations of data availability / data accessibility (e.g., site specific information, distribution and life history information, impacts, control techniques); Reductions in funding and staffing; and, o Insufficient policy and guidance to the field. Solutions to Overcome Challenges Provide additional training and guidance to appropriate staff on NEPA compliance; Support research for new methods of controls/eradication that are effective, efficient, and less damaging to non-target habitats/species; Improve methods of data sharing and make information centrally accessible; Promote coordination with other agencies; Update policy, guidance, and templates, including best management practices (BMPS) for the type of activities conducted; ensure that those BMPS can be used by all agencies; Develop Agency-wide / Regional / Large-scale plans and guidance (e.g., Programmatic EA, Programmatic EIS) from which EAs/EISs for projects can be tiered; and, Develop more options for categorical exclusion that benefit the environment (esp. for early detection and rapid response (EDRR) and control). There are others, but these are the highlights included in the report.
Resolution of Support for the Clinch River Valley Initiative 2012
Clinch Powell
LCC Lessons Learned WG
Work Group Lead: Jean Brennan (FWS-SA). What’s worked elsewhere that we can learn from in redefining our 2nd generation Landscape Conservation Partnership? Participants: Members of the LCC community (focus on Coordinators-level). SOW to include: • Can capture the context of how partnerships evolve, 22 LCCs • Look at existing organizational development research • Think about conservation partnerships and networks more broadly {see dedicated work space: [PEOPLES] tab, [WORKSHOP] secondary navigation}
Lessons Learned Resource Folder
CALCC_SOW Award Retrospective Analysis Final
California Landscape Conservation Cooperative (CA LCC) Retrospective Analysis Statement of Work
ACP Work Group 4. Evaluation of existing tools and their value to Partner Organizations
Work Group: Ray Albright (NPS-SE) lead. Participants: Jason Duke(from Region-4 per Bill Uihlein), Perry Wheelock (NPS-NCR), Danny Lee (USFS-SRS). Focus: i. Evaluate how each tool will fit within agencies’ work ii. How does it apply at the management level?
Webb Sr., Charles
marwaha, Janhavi
Palmer, Gary Palmer
Laporte, Christine
Frantz, Cornelius Frantz
Kreitzer, Sarah
Sloan, Debra
Notes from LCC Network White Paper_2017_TEMPLATE-CHALLENGES_ver1_jb
Discussion file - attempting to create an analytical structure (in this example, used the LCC White paper by Greg and Elsa -- although it's focus was more on the Network level vs. individual LCC-level.) It does however serve to focus on the issue/question of how LCC Coordinators addressed the Challenges we inherited in working within a institutional/hosted initiative.
Actual survey instrument (template) used by Dr. Maddie Brown when conducting her phone interviews with AppLCC Steering Committee members, past members, and key partners.
Descriptive summary of the Interview Focus conducted by Dr. Maddie Brown of Penn State University of the AppLCC Steering Committee members and key partners. Part of the AppLCC's preparation to assess the value and contributions of the LCC-partnership as LCCs move on to be redefined in FY18.
LCC ideas.pptx
slides Yvette put together in Denver - the purpose of that was to help us organize our thoughts at that meeting and to help understand some context of where we've been to examine where we are going. It was not vetted so please keep in mind ...but it if helps jog some thinking, great.
coordinators-LL_poll_ver. 2017-12-13_jb
"Strawdog" prepared by JB to initiate discussion on: what's a framework to structure forward structured interviews to capture LL. (really rough mock up)
Implmenting ecosystem management in Forest Service
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