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September 26th 2017 - Land Between the Lakes
Members of ROHCA met at Land Between the Lakes to visit with Appalachian LCC staff and learn of AppLCC resources that may help guide ROCHA in their conservation planning efforts. Information shared during this meeting will be uploaded to this page.
Tennessee River Basin
Across the Tennessee River Basin is a collaboration within the Appalachian LCC bringing together multiple agencies and stakeholders in a joint effort to plan and deliver landscape conservation actions to protect one of the most diverse areas for aquatic species in North America.
EDIT Needed: This area of the portal provides our community with vital information in order to accomplish the vision of landscape-scale conservation planning and design. Conservation planning is a process that identifies and prioritizes lands that encompass important natural and/or cultural resources across the landscape (e.g., critical watersheds, habitat for rare or threatened species) and develops protection and management strategies for these lands. Science is at the core of planning, but the science is informed by groups of stakeholders using their on-the-ground knowledge and expertise. Where planning is the process, conservation design is the product. It can be a series of maps or data layers that illustrate the location of key focal landscapes and priority resources, or combined into decision support tools that can inform managers and conservations about the quality, quantity, and location of habitat needed to protect biodiversity. The successful conservation design product will provide public land managers, NGOs, and private landowners the ability to incorporate landscape data into their own local land-use decisions. The overall goal from the planning process and design products is to create interconnected reserves of managed lands that are resilient to the many environmental changes that are occurring rapidly on the landscape and can sustain biodiversity today and tomorrow. Find below an overview of conservation planning science, GIS resources that aid in planning, products from our conservation design project, and online learning courses for partners wanting to utilize LCC-funded decision support tools in their conservation work.
Energy, climate change, ecosystem services, and how society values these services - such as clean drinking water, outdoor recreation, and biological conservation - are key issues influencing the Appalachian landscape. These issues and drivers of change are essential to understand and plan for in the management and protection of both natural and cultural resources in order to create a more sustainable landscape for wildlife and human communities.
About the Partnership
Training Resources
This section of the Portal provides a place for learning about conservation tools, sharing upcoming announcements on training, and accessing the Science Applications Online Learning Center where partners can utilize tools and resources developed through LCC-funded research to aid in conservation work.
A role of the Appalachian LCC community -- representing scientists and natural and cultural resource managers from federal and state agencies, non-profit organizations, and tribal government representatives -- is to help coordinate and plan conservation actions at a landscape level. Based on guidance from this conservation community, the LCC staff and partners are identifying and concentrating their efforts in working with interested partners in "focal areas." These initial areas of collaborative planning and coordinated action represent conservation zones -- identified through our EDIT Needed: Landscape Conservation Design modeling effort -- that offer conservation opportunities for long-term protection of immense and unique biodiversity by maintaining connectivity among natural lands and functioning ecosystems. Such strategic planning and collaboration will help address environmental threats that are beyond the ability of any one organization to tackle and lead to the protection of valued natural and cultural resources and continued delivery of environmental benefits to surrounding human communities across the Appalachians and its western river basin.
Landscape Conservation Fellowship
The Fellowship offers a unique opportunity for new-entry professionals to be part of the emerging and exciting field of Landscape Conservation. This is a post-graduate level training opportunity with career interests in applied landscape conservation science and resource management.
Partner Interviews
December 5th, 2017 Appalachian LCC Conservation Fellow
A Conservation Action Map for the TRB Network
During the Tennessee River Basin Network’s 2016 annual meeting, members participated in exercises that helped produce a Conservation Action Map, showcasing the who, what, and where of conservation activities and projects in the Basin.
Natural Resources Fellowship
Our Fellows serve as part of the professional staff of the Appalachian LCC. Given the breadth of the Cooperative membership (both the diversity of conservation practitioners' expertise and regional knowledge) the Fellow will work across many facets of applied conservation and natural resource management. To date, the focus of the Landscape Conservation Design Fellow has been to coordinate efforts (meetings, workshops, webinars) to promote resource sharing and collaboration within the conservation community of the Tennessee River Basin. The Landscape Conservation Design Fellow is based at Clemson University’s Center of Excellence, funded through the Margaret H. Lloyd Endowment and under the Direction of its Chair, Dr. Robert Baldwin.
Appalachian LCC Legacy
Guiding Principles: Work at a Landscape Scale, Engage a Diversity of Partners, Adopt a Conservation Framework.
Appalachian LCC Legacy
Guiding Principles: Work at a Landscape Scale, Engage a Diversity of Partners, Adopt a Conservation Framework
Expertise Search
The Appalachian LCC Member Directory encompasses a diverse range of individuals and expertise interested in participating in landscape conservation efforts throughout the region. When you join our Web Portal you become part of a searchable database. Members identifying areas of expertise within their profiles allow Portal members and the conservation community at large to search for experts from a wide range of fields as well as Network with those of similar research, project, habitat, and funding interests.