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Science Applications: Fostering Science Excellence for the Service
This video answers two questions: 1. What does the Science Applications program work on and; 2. Why is it important to the public and the staff of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Silva, Jeronimo
I have been working with wildlife research and natural resources conservation since 2010. My experience reflects my interest in stream ecology, endangered species demographics and habitat requirements, spatial modeling, and assessing species status using molecular approaches. As a private land’s biologist, I am excited to transition from research into management, and assist with the implementation of conservation practices that will enhance Hellbender habitat across several watersheds in Tennessee.
Landscape Partnership Resources Library
A collection of all content housed in Resources on the website.
Land Use
Deciduous Forests
Target Species
Landscape Partnership Map Products
A collection of map products that feature depictions of various land cover types, distribution of public lands, and locations of natural gas deposits, etc.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Structured Decison Making Webinar Series
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has developed a series of web conferences to engage practitioners in the process of structured decision making using a variety of case studies. Structured Decision Making (SDM) is a decision analysis framework that we can apply to conservation problems to integrate strong science with values, laws, and policies. Conservation issues often involve multiple goals and actions, levels of uncertainty, and a complex understanding of systems. SDM helps conservation professionals develop a process to determine objectives, alternatives, and optimal solutions for environmental issues.
Structured Decison Making Webinar Series
US Fish & Wildlife Service - NCTC Climate Change - Structured Decison Making Webinar Series
Whole-System Landscape Vision
Thomas Minney, Central Appalachians Program Director
Whole-System Landscape Vision
A presentation on The Nature Conservancy work pertaining to landscape conservation and the Central Appalachians Integrated Landscape Project.
Development by Design
The Central Appalachians harbor some of the most biologically diverse temperate broad‐leaf forests in the world. These forests provide large interior forest habitats, migratory pathways, and nested rare communities. But new energy development is clearing and fragmenting these precious forests. This presentation provides a briefing related to planning, monitoring, and evaluating environmental impacts of marcellus shale drilling.
Development by Design
Nels Johnson, Deputy State Director, and Tamara Gagnolet, Spatial Analyst, The Nature Conservancy in Pennsylvannia.
Assessing the Impact of Projected Housing Density on High Priority Forest Birds
This webinar gives an overview of Assessing the impact of predicted growth in Housing Density (HD) on priority forest bird populations. It details the modeling of bird abundance as a function of HD and land cover, projects land cover change as a function of HD, and estimates change in bird populations from 2000‐2030.
Conservation Planning Atlas
This webinar outlines efforts to date and goals towards unifynig various datasets under a new Conservation Planning Atlas resource.
The Conservation Resource Webinar
This webinar details LCCs Conservation Framework objectives. These include: 1. Agreement on goals and need for a regional framework to achieve resource conservation incorporating ecological and human needs; 2. An understanding of how completed, ongoing and proposed RCN/LCC projects fit into a common framework; 3. An understanding of how the elements in this framework will inform decision-making by the conservation community; and 4. An understanding on how the remainder of the workshop fits into the framework.
Interactive Conservation Planning for the Appalachian LCC: Appalachian NatureScape
The outcome of the Appalachian LCC Conservation Planning & Design consultative process and modeling is a dynamic ‘Conservation Blueprint’ or 'Landscape Conservation Design' called NatureScape. This is a dynamic or living design envisioned as an ongoing consultation with the conservation community - continuously incorporating new information and datasets as well as engaging subject-matter experts and committed stakeholders.
Assessing Vulnerability of Species and Habitats to Large-scale Impacts
New vulnerability assessments for 41 species and 3 habitats in the Appalachians are now available. The conservation community can view and search each of these assessments by vulnerability scores, conservation status ranks, state and subregion of assessment, and higher taxonomy. In addition, principle investigators NatureServe compiled the results of 700 species assessments previously completed by other researchers as well as assessments on several habitats.
Classification and Mapping of Cave and Karst Resources
Cave and karst systems are unique environments that occur throughout the Appalachians. They provide habitat for a diverse array of species and are an important source of domestic water supply for Appalachian communities. However, a lack of classification and mapping information on these ecosystems creates a significant barrier to conservation.