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More than 40 years ago, in Nigeria, a young scientist named Rattan Lal encountered an idea that changed his life — and led, eventually, to global recognition and a worldwide movement to protect the planet's soil.
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Fire Mapping
Re: General Scoping Recommendations/Discussion
  Hi Everyone, Sorry it has taken me so long to get the scoping report.  I read through the documents.  I like the information the TT team pulled together and they did a great job of highlighting the issues with all available fire data sources.  I have a few comments for the group that I hope are useful. Best wishes, Todd 2020.07.15 - SEFireMap Scoping Report -GR-000000394- - Tall Timbers.pdf Report Narrative: "The overall aim of the Scoping process for the SE FireMap is to develop a robust understanding of the data sources and reporting capabilities that are available for advanced monitoring of prescribed fires on private lands." This is a more narrow scope than the original charter/scoping RFP states "An improved, cohesive system to track both prescribed fire and wildfire activity on public and private lands will serve as a critical decision support tool to maximize the effectiveness of fire management practices – helping achieve the varied objectives of NRCS and its partners such as keeping working lands working, restoring the longleaf pine ecosystem, supporting DoD’s military and training mission, conserving listed and at-risk species, managing for wildfire risk, and minimizing the need to conserve species through regulation." I agree that prescribed fires on private lands are important, but I think the SEFireMap should include all fires on all lands. SE FireMap Scoping INT REP 2.pdf: The Executive Summary here does a better job of capturing the spirit of SEFireMap in the intro paragraph.  It also highlights the problems/gaps with current reporting systems. Background section does a nice job of listing fire history metrics critical for management (e.g. time since fire).  These are things that should be required in the final scope of work. The summary switches to focusing on prescribed fire.  This is a real data gap, but it would be worth identifying which data sources are currently available to monitor wildfires and justification for why SEFireMap doesn't need to focus on wildfires.  For example, does MTBS do an adequate job of tracking wildfires in the SE? The figures provided nice examples of the capabilities of different sensors/datasets to map prescribed burns.  None of them look perfect! I like the examples linking burn permits to different sensors too.  This seems a promising approach, but the uncertainties in the burn permit data will make it difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of any prescribed fire mapping.  Would it be worth considering including in the final scope of work a requirement to assess which burn permits were fulfilled (for a subset of recent permits)?  That would allow statements like "Of the X burn permits issued in 2020, Y% of permits actually resulted in a fire. Of those, Z% were detected by satellites..." We should discuss how much detail we should put into the final scope of work.  Tall Timber's work seems to indicate that there is no perfect data source and developing a method to identify common detection could be most promising.  Incorporating permit data will be critical to attribute the satellite based fire/burned area detection as prescribed fires.  
Re: General Scoping Recommendations/Discussion
  Hi Everyone, Sorry it has taken me so long to get the scoping report.  I read through the documents.  I like the information the TT team pulled together and they did a great job of highlighting the issues with all available fire data sources.  I have a few comments for the group that I hope are useful. Best wishes, Todd 2020.07.15 - SEFireMap Scoping Report -GR-000000394- - Tall Timbers.pdf Report Narrative: "The overall aim of the Scoping process for the SE FireMap is to develop a robust understanding of the data sources and reporting capabilities that are available for advanced monitoring of prescribed fires on private lands." This is a more narrow scope than the original charter/scoping RFP states "An improved, cohesive system to track both prescribed fire and wildfire activity on public and private lands will serve as a critical decision support tool to maximize the effectiveness of fire management practices – helping achieve the varied objectives of NRCS and its partners such as keeping working lands working, restoring the longleaf pine ecosystem, supporting DoD’s military and training mission, conserving listed and at-risk species, managing for wildfire risk, and minimizing the need to conserve species through regulation." I agree that prescribed fires on private lands are important, but I think the SEFireMap should include all fires on all lands. SE FireMap Scoping INT REP 2.pdf: The Executive Summary here does a better job of capturing the spirit of SEFireMap in the intro paragraph.  It also highlights the problems/gaps with current reporting systems. Background section does a nice job of listing fire history metrics critical for management (e.g. time since fire).  These are things that should be required in the final scope of work. The summary switches to focusing on prescribed fire.  This is a real data gap, but it would be worth identifying which data sources are currently available to monitor wildfires and justification for why SEFireMap doesn't need to focus on wildfires.  For example, does MTBS do an adequate job of tracking wildfires in the SE? The figures provided nice examples of the capabilities of different sensors/datasets to map prescribed burns.  None of them look perfect! I like the examples linking burn permits to different sensors too.  This seems a promising approach, but the uncertainties in the burn permit data will make it difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of any prescribed fire mapping.  Would it be worth considering including in the final scope of work a requirement to assess which burn permits were fulfilled (for a subset of recent permits)?  That would allow statements like "Of the X burn permits issued in 2020, Y% of permits actually resulted in a fire. Of those, Z% were detected by satellites..." We should discuss how much detail we should put into the final scope of work.  Tall Timber's work seems to indicate that there is no perfect data source and developing a method to identify common detection could be most promising.  Incorporating permit data will be critical to attribute the satellite based fire/burned area detection as prescribed fires.  
Tools & Resources
Partner Engagement & Coordination
Re: Partner Engagement & Coordination
RE: July 23rd TOT Meeting Jim Smith Mon, Jul 27, 1:05 PM (1 day ago) I wanted to provide another set of contacts….we have to stop looking at some point but I leave that decision up to you. Tom Spencer, Texas Forest Service: was (and may still be) the lead on the Southern Risk Assessment portal. Danny Lee, USFS, Lead for the Southern Forest Threat Assessment Center in Asheville. Danny contracts a lot with Jim Fox at UNC Asheville has a lot of “data contacts” around the SE. Jim ---------------------------------------------------------- James L. Smith, Ph.D. TNC LANDFIRE Program Lead 904.327.0055 (cell/office) 1822 Swiss Oaks Street St. Johns, FL 32259-9096
Partner Engagement & Coordination
Re: Partner Engagement & Coordination
RE: July 23rd TOT Meeting Jim Smith Mon, Jul 27, 1:05 PM (1 day ago) I wanted to provide another set of contacts….we have to stop looking at some point but I leave that decision up to you. Tom Spencer, Texas Forest Service: was (and may still be) the lead on the Southern Risk Assessment portal. Danny Lee, USFS, Lead for the Southern Forest Threat Assessment Center in Asheville. Danny contracts a lot with Jim Fox at UNC Asheville has a lot of “data contacts” around the SE. Jim ---------------------------------------------------------- James L. Smith, Ph.D. TNC LANDFIRE Program Lead 904.327.0055 (cell/office) 1822 Swiss Oaks Street St. Johns, FL 32259-9096
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