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Virginia Priority Area Shapefiles
Northern Bobwhite Priority Areas, Northern Bobwhite Grasslands and Savannas Partnership 2022-2026
South Carolina Priority Area Shapefile
Northern Bobwhite Partnership Priority Area 2022-2026
North Carolina Priority Area Shapefiles
Priority Areas for Northern Bobwhite Partnership 2022-2026 (Bobwhite Quali Initiative)
Mississippi Priority Area Shapefiles
Priority Areas for Northern Bobwhite Partnership 2022-2026 (Bobwhite Quali Initiative)
Louisiana Priority Area Shapefiles
Northern Bobwhite Priority Areas, Northern Bobwhite Grasslands and Savannas Partnership 2022-2026
Kentucky Priority Area Shapefiles
Priority Areas for Northern Bobwhite Conservation
Georgia Priority Area Shapefiles
Northern Bobwhite Priority Area Shapefiles
Arkansas Priority Area Shapefiles
Arkansas, Northern Bobwhite Priority Area
Alabama Priority Area Shapefiles
Conservation priority area for Northern Bobwhite, part of the 2022-2026 Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership
Minnesota Priority Area Shapefile
Priority Area for Northern Bobwhite Conservation Partnership 2022-2026
Kansas Priority Area Shapefiles
Northern Bobwhite Priority Areas
Indiana Priority Area Shapefiles
Northern Bobwhite Priority Areas
Illinois Priority Area Shapefiles
Shapefiles for Northern Bobwhite Priority Areas
Central Region
WLFW Northern bobwhite, Grasslands, and Savannas National Map
Attached pdf of the national boundary for the new framework for conservation action (2022). Shapefiles available under "Boundaries and Priority Areas"
Map of NRCS States Opting In/Out of WLFW Northern bobwhite
In February 2021, NRCS requested that 30 state offices within the northern bobwhite current or historic range submit a final decision to National Headquarters on opting in or out of WLFW Northern bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas. The decisions were completely voluntary and dependent on each states interest and ability to commit. These maps depict the distribution of states and their responses. Note that Oklahoma has now joined (and we need to updated this map)!
Beef, Grass, and Bobwhites – Quail Management in Eastern Native Warm-Season Grass Pastures
This technical bulletin is targeted to technical advisors working with cattlemen and women in the eastern U. S. who are interested in managing for bobwhites. The authors combine a review of the literature, current research and first-hand experience to present this first-of-its-kind technical manual integrating grazing and bobwhite management in the eastern U. S. Published by NBTC and funded by WLFW.
WLFW Science to Solutions: Economics of NWSG Forage
This fact sheet is part of a WLFW series called Science to Solutions which seeks to share technical information in a format that's user-friendly. Prepared by University of Tennessee professors Dr. Pat Keyser of the Native Grasslands Management Center and Dr. Chris Boyer, an economist.
Good for Bobwhite, Good for Cattle
America’s farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners are continuing to show how wildlife and working lands can prosper together. Let NRCS develop a comprehensive, resource conservation plan for your grazing operation and the northern bobwhite.