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Goal 2 - Landscape-level Planning
From 5-Year Work Plan, Section B, Goal 2: Deliver landscape-level conservation plans for regional use
Goal 1 - Data and Toolsets
Work Plan - Section B, Goal 1: Create and deliver a landscape-level data sharing strategy and scalable toolsets
Great Basin LCC
GBLCC Governance and Structure.
North American Migratory Bird Joint Ventures: 25 Years
Migratory Bird Joint Ventures are cooperative, regional partnerships that work to conserve habitat for the benefit of birds, other wildlife, and people.
North Pacific LCC
NPLCC Governance and Structure
Plains and Prairie Pothole LCC
PPP LCC Charter
Upper Midwest and Great Lakes LCC
UMGL LCC Charter.
California LCC
California LCC Structure and Operations.
DOI - OIG - Start-up Evaluation (ex.)
This was an example of the DOI OIG Audit of a new program within DOI (as an example of approach but is not an audit of the LCCs.)
DOI - Work Force Planning
Dept of Interior - Office of Inspector General - Work Force Planning Guide.
GCPO Operational Procedures
The Gulf Coast Plains and Ozark LCC Charter.
First Analysis (Udall Institute) Report
This was the very first attempt to examine the early LCC structures. This document was reviewed in the Analysis prepared by staff (but some of the characterization used in the document was revised/reorganized in staff's later analysis.
Analysis of (early) LCC Structures
This is a comparative analysis of the early LCCs.
Illustrative Diagram of the Governance Structure
This analysis was based on the 2011 (16 established) LCCs.
NASF Newsletter
Image for NASF Newsletter
SA LCC Newsletter
Image for South Atlantic LCC Newsletter
WMI: Outdoor News Bulletin
Image for Newsletter
GCPO Newsletter
Image for GCPO Newsletter
103 Report (review of over 100 planning documents from conservation & resource management agencies)
A summary review of over 100 key planning documents of the many conservation & resource management agencies/organizations across the Appalachian Region.
NATURE Editorial - Think Big
Editorial in NATURE Magazine -- on the LCC approach to conservation.