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FWS National Guidance on Surrogate Species
Background materials from the FWS in support of the use of surrogate species as part of the Service's commitment to Landscape Conservation and Strategic Habitat Conservation.
"MegaLinks" to RI/SS Decision Support Information
This file contains weblinks to a large number of resources from state and federal agencies' websites that could be used in support of decisions regarding the RI/SS process and/or consideration of potential RIs or SSs. Created by AppLCC Staff.
Working Documents - Merging RI/SS Approaches
Initial working documents developed to begin comparing the two approaches used to date for identification of Resource Indicators and Surrogate Species, and support decision-making on a way forward for the AppLCC.
Bridgett's Presentation RI&SS
Presentation by Appalachian LCC Science Coordinator on NR Resource Indicators and Surrogate Species process.
South Atlantic LCC Resource Indicator Process
Approach used by the South Atlantic LCC in deciding on a process in identifying resource indicators.
South Atlantic LCC Natural Resource Indicator Process
Rua Mordecia, Science Coordinator with the South Atlantic LCC, provide an overview of the process the South Atlantic LCC took to identify Natural Resource Indicators.
History of Representative Species in the Northeast Region
Presentation slides from Rick Bennett.
Objective 2.7 Work Plan
A Ppt slide image depicting the objective and identified tasks (steps/timeline) to advance the work in identifying surrogate species use as planning and monitoring approach to landscape-level conservation. (It is part of Section B of the 5-Year Work Plan -
MUST-READ LIST for this WG before April 23rd!
To give you the best opportunity of coming to the workshop prepared to actively participate in the discussions, we've prepared the attached list of "must-reads" - although one alternative is a short video.
Steering Committee Communications Sub Team Agenda
Agenda for Communications Subcommittee 3/22-24, 2013
Notes from Communication WG Call (March 7, 2013)
Notes regarding first communication working group call discussing the process to take in identifying audiences and developing messaging.
Notes from Communications WG Call (March 27, 2013)
Notes from Communication Work Group Call on March 27, 2013.
Communications Work Group Discussion Document – 1st Iteration (March 3, 2013)
This is the first draft of a communication document Clyde and Matt put together to share with the communications work group on the first call on March 7, 2013.
Communications Work Group Discussion Document – 2nd Iteration (March 18, 2013)
After input from the communications work group, this is a revised working document to use moving forward in determining broad audience segments and general targeted messages to these groups.
Partner Communication Plans/Strategy
Communication Plans and Strategies from Regional Partnerships and other LCCs
Communications Work Group Dicsussion Document - 3rd Iteration (April 10, 2013)
Most recent development of the working document from the Communications Work Group.
Communication Presentation
Presentation Slides from Chair of the Communications Work Group and Appalachian LCC Communication Specialist for upcoming ISC Meeting.
AppLCC 5-Year Work Plan - Goal 3
Goal 3 focuses on broad Engagement of which Communications is an element. "Goal 3: Create an on-going facilitated process to promote engagement and dialogue across the Appalachian LCC region"
A Question of Relevance: For whom and of whom do we work and serve?
Presented by Carter P. Smith, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Annual Meeting 2011
Letter from Director Dan Ashe, USFWS
To states.