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WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session #1 Pollination Biology
Session 1 of WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar series, presented by Celia Vuocolo, WLFW Pollinator Coordinator-East with Quail Forever & USDA-NRCS. In this first session of the series, topics covered include threats to pollinators, plant pollination strategies, pollinator foraging behaviors, and a quick overview of bees of conservation concern.
WLFW Pollinator Conservation Series: Session #6 Planning & Establishing Pollinator Habitat
Session 6 of WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar series, presented by Celia Vuocolo, WLFW Pollinator Coordinator-East with Quail Forever & USDA-NRCS. Topics covered include a step by step process for planning and establishing pollinator habitat, including site selection, options for restoration and Farm Bill programs planning process.
WLFW Pollinator Conservation Series: Session # 8 Pollinators and Livestock Grazing
Session 8 of WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar series, presented by Jason Jones and Katrina Sims, Grassland and Grazing Coordinators in Ohio and Arkansas, respectively. This session focuses on grazing livestock with consideration of pollinators. This is the third of three sessions on “pollinator habitat” in the series. Topics covered include benefits of native grassland restoration, native grazing considerations for conservation planning, pasture conversion and establishment, and grazing strategies.
WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 7 Do I Need a Pollinator Seed Mix and How to Build One
Session 7 of WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar series, presented by Kelly Gill, Pollinator Conservation Specialist for the Xerces Society and a Partner Biologist with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. This session focuses on building seed mixes designed for pollinators and is the second of three sessions on “pollinator habitat” in the series. Topics covered include recognizing whether a seed mix is needed, various seed mix options through NRCS, and specific information needed to build a seed mix such as habitat design and species selection.
WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 9 Pollinators & Forestland-Underappreciated Pollinator Habitat
Session 9 of the WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar series, presented by Kass Urban-Mead, Pollinator Conservation Specialist for the Xerces Society and a Partner Biologist with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. This session focuses on the relationship of pollinators and forestland. Topics covered include an introduction to bee diversity and forest habitats, how bees and other pollinators use the woods, and forest health and pollinators.
WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 12 Maintaining Pollinator Habitat
Session 12 of the WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar series was presented by Brittney Viers, PF/QF’s Tennessee State Coordinator. This session focuses on how to properly maintain pollinator habitat and is the last session in the pollinator series. Topics covered include the history of Southern Grasslands, designing adequate seed mixes, utilizing native seed banks, planting methods, and management techniques.
WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 11 PF/QF’s Pollinator Habitat Program
Session 11 of the WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar series was presented by Kim Cole, PF/QF’s Habitat Education Program Manager. This session focuses on resources for hosting pollinator events and is the second session on “pollinator outreach” in the series. Topics covered include Pollinator Habitat Outreach Program, Habitat Education Resources, and Milkweed in the Classroom.
WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 10 How to Do a Pollinator Outreach Event
Session 10 of the WLFW East Region Pollinator Conservation Webinar series was presented by Catherine Beall, South Dakota’s Monarch and Pollinator Coordinating Wildlife Biologist. This session focuses on how to host a pollinator outreach event and is the first session on “pollinator outreach” in the series. Topics covered include the first steps to consider when organizing an event, assembling an agenda, how to advertise, how to prepare the week of the event, things to consider on the day of the event, and follow-up after the event.
WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Northern Bobwhite Session #1 “Bobwhite Biology”
Session 1 of the “Northern Bobwhite” mini-series was presented by James Martin from the University of Georgia.  This session focuses on the Northern Bobwhite Quail and its basic biology. Topics covered include species overview across its range, population trends in different areas of the country, bobwhite quail mating strategies, nesting success, and annual survival.
WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Northern Bobwhite Session #2 “Bobwhite Habitat”
Session 2 of the “Northern Bobwhite” mini-series was presented by James Martin from the University of Georgia. This session focuses on the Northern Bobwhite Quail and its basic habitat needs. Topics covered include quail numbers in managed areas, habitat connectivity, landscape scale effect of management practices, 4 basic habitat needs for bobwhites, and habitat heterogeneity.
WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Northern Bobwhite Session #4 “Bobwhite in Pasture Systems” 
Session 4 of the “Northern Bobwhite” mini-series was presented by Tanner Patton with Pheasants Forever/Quail Forever. This session focuses on the Northern Bobwhite Quail in pasture systems. Topics covered include the disadvantages of non-native grass for Northern Bobwhite and livestock, benefits of NWSG to livestock and Northern Bobwhite, and grazing practices that help your livestock operation while simultaneously promoting wildlife.
WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Northern Bobwhite Session #3 “Bobwhite in Ag Spaces” 
Session 3 of the “Northern Bobwhite” mini-series was presented by Dr. Mark McConnell from Mississippi State University.  This session focuses on the Northern Bobwhite Quail in agricultural landscapes. Topics covered include landscape changes driven by national trends, land sharing vs land sparing, socio-ecological systems and how to move towards better habitat, and opportunities for quail habitat in ag landscapes using profit margin and yield maps.  
WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Northern Bobwhite Session #5 “Bobwhite in Pine Forest Systems”
Session 5 of the “Northern Bobwhite” mini-series was presented by Brad Kubecka with Tall Timbers.  This session focuses on the Northern Bobwhite Quail in pine systems. Topics covered include the limiting factors for bobwhite habitat in pine systems, different thinning techniques in planted vs native pine stands, importance of prescribed fire in pines, and realistic tradeoffs between managing property for timber and/or Northern Bobwhite. 
Gallagher, Ryan
Schleicher, Derek
NRCS Targeted Monarch Butterfly Effort
NRCS map of the targeted Monarch Butterfly effort: click to expand
cover-monarch butterfly report
cover art for report
The “Bobscapes” Mobile App will help researchers better understand population dynamics and help managers direct resources for habitat work to the areas where those investments will be most effective in recovering the species. Additionally, for those interested, the app will connect landowners to technical experts who can make habitat recommendations and share information on voluntary cost share programs. Lastly, the data provided will assist wildlife biologists in creating a national habitat network of “Bobwhite landscapes” necessary to ensure this species persists for future generations!
COMING SOON! The project will help in evaluating the effects of land-cover management practices (e.g., prescribed fire, forage planting, and brush management) on certain grassland songbird populations in the Eastern USA. The project will also look into the influence of landscape composition and configuration on the population of target species. These goals will be attained through tasks like 1) the creation of a cloud-based database where biologists can upload their field data, 2) the analysis of bird calls to estimate their density and abundance, and 3) the species integration model to assess their spatial and temporal distribution.
The “Bobscapes” Mobile App will help researchers better understand population dynamics and help managers direct resources for habitat work to the areas where those investments will be most effective in recovering the species. Additionally, for those interested, the app will connect landowners to technical experts who can make habitat recommendations and share information on voluntary cost share programs. Lastly, the data provided will assist wildlife biologists in creating a national habitat network of “Bobwhite landscapes” necessary to ensure this species persists for future generations!