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Product Description: Ecologically Important Floodplain Forests in the Connecticut River Watershed
Short Product Description Ecologically Important Floodplain Forests in the Connecticut River Watershed
Document: Regional Conservation Partnerships in the Connecticut River Watershed
Description of partnerships and partner members from Regional Conservation Partnerships in the Connecticut River Watershed from Highstead
Document: SubTeam Members as of 3-28-2014
List of SubTeam Members as of 3-28-2014
Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 03-28-2014
Folder with agenda, handouts, presentations, notes, and any additional meeting materials.
Crockett, Marquette
Document: Species of Greatest Conservation Need for CT River Watershed States
Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need of Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut: The Northeast state wildlife agencies have identified the following species as being regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need. The species on this list occur in at least one of the four states of the Connecticut River Watershed but not all have necessarily been confirmed within the watershed itself.
Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 02-24-2014
Folder with agenda, handouts, presentations, notes, and any additional meeting materials.
Document: Preliminary List of Aquatic Representative (Surrogate) Species
This list is a preliminary set of representative species for aquatic systems developed at a workshop sponsored by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2011.
Pomara, Lars
Connecticut River Pilot - FWS Members Meeting 01-15-2014
Materials associated with this meeting, which was an introduction to the Connecticut River Pilot for FWS employees.
Guidance for Core Team (Draft, 02-2014)
Draft Guidance for Connecticut River Watershed Pilot Core Team, last amended February 2014.
List of Representative Species (Draft, 02-2014)
Draft List of Representative Species In Connecticut River Watershed. Part of regional Representative Species list developed by the LCC/FWS. Includes subset of species being modeled by UMass Amherst for Designing Sustainable Landscapes project.
Culver, David
Callanan, Jennifer
William Paterson University
Review of Key Concepts and Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions
Designing Sustainable Landscapes in the Northeast: A project of the NALCC and the Northeast Climate Science Center. Landscape Conservation Design, June 2014. Updated presentation posted 7/28/2014.
Terrestial and Wetlands Subteam Update
Slides for the subteam update at the July Core Team meeting
Core Team Survey Results
Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Survey Results, as of July 25.
Ecosystem Goals, Objectives, and Conservation Design Tradeoffs - Terrestrial / Wetland Team (July 21, 2014)
Ecosystem Goals, Objectives, and Conservation Design Tradeoffs (draft document for consideration by the Terrestrial / Wetland team) This document was drafted to assist the terrestrial/wetland subteam in considering conservation design questions related to the number, size, and configuration of "core areas" of conservation priority, and how they relate to the overall goals for the watershed.
April 22, 2014 Subteam Meeting (Terrestrial/Wetland)
May 13, 2014 Subteam Meeting (Terrestrial/Wetland)
May 13, 2014 Terrestrial Subteam Meeting for the Connecticut River Pilot