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Conservation Planning Literature
This page features peer-reviewed science, which offers insight foundational to the science of conservation planning.
Presentation: Building the Combined Core Area Selection Index and Delineating Core Areas
Designing Sustainable Landscapes in the Northeast: A project of the NALCC and the Northeast Climate Science Center. Landscape Conservation Design, June 2014
Presentation: Updates on Ecological Integrity and Selecting Tiered Core Areas Based on Species
DSL Presentation for 5-30-14 Core Team Meeting by Kevin McGarigal, UMass with updates on ecological integrity and description of landscape capability
Presentation: Design Criteria, Components, and Proof of Concept: A more detailed introduction to the steps in designing the conservation network
Presentation by Kevin McGarigal (UMass) for the Designing Sustainable Landscapes Pilot project. Presentation focuses on Eco-systems and weightings options. Given on 25 April 2014.
Notes from July 22, 2014 Subteam meeting
Notes from July 22, 2014 Subteam meeting (terrestrial/wetlands)
July 25, 2014 Subteam Meeting (Terrestrial/Wetland)
Terrestrial/Wetlands subteam meeting after the core team morning meeting.
June 27, 2014 Subteam Meeting (Terrestrial/Wetland)
Materials associated with the June 27 subteam meeting after the morning core team meeting of the Connecticut River Pilot.
June 23, 2014 Subteam Meeting (Terrestrial/Wetland)
Materials, notes, presentations from the 6/23/2014 subteam meeting
Subteam Meeting Notes 06-23-2014
Discussed the process for incorporating under-represented species into the landscape design process, value of incorporating indices of projected changes to climate niche suitability into final habitat models for representative species, value of incorporating indices of projected direct anthropogenic landscape change (e.g., urban/suburban expansion) into final habitat models for representative species, criteria for weighting among species in the final selection index for the landscape design.
Webinar with audio: Presentation on Species for Conn. River Pilot by Kevin McGarigal, June 17, 2014
Webinar with audio: Presentation on Species for Conn. River Pilot by Kevin McGarigal, June 17, 2014. (Note: audio starts approximately 1 minute into the presentation, while the presenter is still discussing the first slide.) (It may be necessary for go-to-meeting webex software to be installed in your browser to view the webinar.)
Presentation on Species for Conn. River Pilot by Kevin McGarigal, June 17, 2014
Presentation on Species for Conn. River Pilot by Kevin McGarigal, June 17, 2014
Terrestrial and Wetland Subteam Meeting Agenda: May 13, 2014
Connecticut River Watershed Pilot, Terrestrial and Wetland Team Agenda: May 13, 2014 Webinar
Document: Terrestrial Team Meeting Notes 05-13-2014
Terrestrial Team Meeting Notes May 13, 2014
Agenda: Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 07-25-2014
Agenda, Handouts and Presentation for July 25th Core Team Meeting in Hadley, Massachusetts from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Document: Terrestial/Wetland Subteam Meeting Notes 07-25-2014
Notes/summary from terrestrial and wetland technical subteam breakout session.
Document: Core Team Meeting Notes 07-25-2014
Notes and summary from July Core Team Meeting
Agenda: Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 06-27-2014
Agenda, Handouts and Presentation for June 27, Core Team Meeting in Hadley, Massachusetts from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Document: Core Team Meeting Notes 06-27-2014
Notes and summary from June core team meeting.
Agenda: Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 05-30-2014
Agenda, Handouts and Presentation for May 30, Core Team Meeting in Hadley, Massachusetts from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Agenda: Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 04-25-2014
Agenda, handouts and presentations from Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 4-25-2014 in Hadley, MA