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Green River Enhancement within the Green River WMA, KY

The Green River and Green River Lake and provide aquatic habitat in the Green River Wildlife Management Area. The river is in declining condition due to severe erosion over almost four decades. Its restoration can allow it to support thriving populations of white bass, smallmouth bass, rock bass, flathead catfish, walleye, and muskellunge, and provide sport challenges to anglers. (Photo: Green River Pre Restoration)



Partner(s): US Fish & Wildlife Service Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources US Army Corps of Engineers

Description of Site:

A 1,400 linear foot section of the river bank was chosen as the site for restoration, due to its rapid rate of erosion, at a rate of 20 ft per year.  Located in Adair County on the Green River Lake WMA,  This section of the river bank had been causing large amounts of sediment to fall into the river and eventually move into Green River Lake. The adjacent field historically was used as cropland and more recently managed for wildlife habitat and public access/use.



Use rock and log structures to divert flow and alleviate bank stress, creating a more stable flowpattern while providing habitat for fish.


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Post Restoration, May 2013
Post Restoration, May 2013

This project stabilized 1,400 feet of the left bank of the Green River in Adair County, Kentucky.  Stabilization techniques included the construction and installation of a bankfull bench, terrace grading, rocktoe protection, erosion control blanket, and riparian zone plantings.  The riparian zone plantings included  1,550 live stakes of black willow, dogwood, and buttonbush.  In addition, the KDFWR Wildlife Division reforested the adjacent field with several mast producing species.  As of the fall of 2013, the site continues to be stable and the live stakes are averaging 90% survival.  The project has stopped the active erosion and reduced sediment loading into the Green River.



Post Restoraiton, August 2014
Post Restoration, August 2014


The photo above shows the site after restoration in May of 2013. in the pre-restoration photo eroding banks are clearly visible, whereas the two post restoration photos shows the site following restoration in May of 2013 and May of 2014. This project has effectively stopped
the active erosion of the adjacent field and reduced sediment loading of the Green River Lake. Several KDFWR personnel were involved with various aspects of the


Within AppLCC boundary.
Green River Enhancement within the Green River WMA, KY
Project ID 022