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You are here: Home / Projects / Connecticut River Watershed Pilot / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team / Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 03-28-2014 / Agenda: Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 03-28-2014

Agenda: Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 03-28-2014

Agenda, handouts and presentations from Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting 3-28-2014 in Hadley, MA
Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Meeting
Hadley, Massachusetts
March 28, 2014
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Call in and Webex Information after agenda below

TimeAgenda ItemLinks to Related Content


Update on actions since last meeting – Nancy McGarigal

  • Responses to action items from last meeting
  • Draft Goals for CT River Watershed Pilot Project
    1. The Connecticut River watershed sustains a diverse suite of intact, connected, and resilient ecosystems that provide important ecological functions and services that benefit society, such as clean water, flood protection, and lands for farming, forestry, and recreation.
    2. The Connecticut River watershed sustains healthy and diverse populations of fish, wildlife, and plant species for the continuing benefit and enjoyment of the public.
  • Subgroups – Aquatics and Terrestrial
  • Species list



 Draft Goals








Brook Trout Project – Ben Letcher, USGS

Presentation:Brook Trout  (57 MB)

Resilient Landscapes – Mark Anderson, The Nature Conservancy

  • Resilient Sites for Terrestrial Conservation
  • Resilient Stream Networks in the Northeast and Mid Atlantic

Presentation: Terrestrial

Presentation: Aquatic)

11:10 ----Break, snacks provided---
11:20 Designing Sustainable Landscapes Project - Kevin McGarigal, UMass Presentation: Designing Sustainable Landscapes
12:35 Discussion: Suggested Process for Using Scientific Tools to Create Conservation Design – Scott Schwenk
12:55 Close-out, Next Steps, Next Meeting – Nancy McGarigal



Connecticut River Pilot FAQs

Potential Process for Decisions

Regional Conservation Partnerships in Connecticut River Watershed

Simple Descriptions of Products Available to Assist with Landscape Conservation Design

Designing Sustainable Landscapes - Ecological Integrity

Designing Sustainable Landscapes - Landscape Capability Datasets for Representative Species of Wildlife

Forecasting Changes in Stream Flow, Temperature and Salmonid Populations in the Eastern Unites States as a Result of Climate Change

Assessing Freshwater Ecosystems for their Resilience to Climate Change

Habitat Suitability Modeling of Select Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need

Northeast Aquatic Connectivity: An Assessment of Dams on Northeastern Rivers

Resilient Sites for Terrestrial Conservation in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Region

Ecologically Important Floodplain Forests in the Connecticut River Watershed


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