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Partner Surveys - over the years (AppLCC)

Previous Surveys  of the Partners -- want, priorities -- value of partnership


YEAR: 2016 FOCUS 2016 - consider "next steps" ...reflects a review of the accomplishments of the AppLCC -- as directed under the 1st 5-Year Work Plan & Science Needs Portfolio with consultations of partners, researchers, and experts at every major decision node.  Survey Instrument: on-line survey to all Steering Committee members and key partners (N=51. 98% return).  "Delivering the Science to the Partners" & "Engage Partners to Craft a Sustainably Funded Partnership"



    YEAR: 2012 FOCUS of 2102 - on Developing the 1st 5-Year Work Plan (characterize this as "Building the (LCC) Institution of the Partnership" & "Funding Needed Science -- information and Tools)


      YEAR: 2012: Staff designed On-line Survey -- open to all -- posted on website




      YEAR: 2016: Preparing to draft 2nd 5-YEAR WORK PLAN; (2018-2022) -- working GOALS & OBJECTIVES

      • Review of earlier G&O (foundation of the 1st 5-Year Work Plan) -- File: C_Mgmt_WP _v2016-04-30_x2 --- Location: 2017-Dec_2012_BackgroundMaterials --- [pdf of PPT]


      Year 2012: Materials Prepared by Groups Solutions to Capture the Institutional Foundation (Partnership Values)




      YEAR: 2012 Background research or Meeting: snap-shot of areas of work and gaps (potential of LCCs)

        • Background: Partner Organizations & Initiatives