SE FireMap Scoping Report July 15, 2020
Tall Timbers Research, Inc. is pleased to present the July 15th Interim Report for the scoping
agreement of the SE FireMap to the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities and the USDA
Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Located in
SE FireMap Documentation
SE FireMap Project Process Documents
SE FireMap Scoping Report October 15, 2020
Tall Timbers Research, Inc. is pleased to present the October 15th Interim Report for the
scoping agreement of the SE FireMap to the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities
and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Located in
SE FireMap Documentation
SE FireMap Project Process Documents
Tall Timbers Geospatial Center-Scoping Activity Updates 2020
Tall Timbers Geospatial Center-Scoping Activity Updates 2020
Located in
SE FireMap Documentation
SE FireMap Project Process Documents
Tall Timbers Geospatial Center-Scoping Activity Updates 2020-2021
Tall Timbers Geospatial Center-Scoping Activity Updates 2020-2021
Located in
SE FireMap Documentation
SE FireMap Project Process Documents
SE FireMap-Final Scoping Report (July 2021)
Tall Timbers Research, Inc. is pleased to present the July 15th 2021 Final Report and recommendations for the scoping agreement of the SE FireMap to the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Located in
SE FireMap Documentation
SE FireMap Project Process Documents
Opportunities for Research on Carbon Sequestration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems
As a result of the Fact Sheet on Opportunities for Research on Carbon Sequestration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems by Kevin Robertson, Ph.D., Fire Ecology Research Scientist, Prescribed Burning has been added to the USDA Climate Smart Priorities List for FY24.
Located in
Prescribed Burning
Practitioner Information
News: Opportunities for Research on Carbon Sequestration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems Fact Sheet
Based in part on the recent Fact Sheet on Opportunities for Research on Carbon Sequestration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems by Kevin Robertson, Ph.D., Fire Ecology Research Scientist, Prescribed Burning has been added to the USDA Climate Smart Priorities List for FY24.
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