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Risk Assessment

Assessing wildfire risk is important for natural resource managers, communities, and others with an interest in mitigating that risk. Wildfire risk assessment allows stakeholders to coordinate risk reduction projects, including prescribed fire, and to work with each other to better prepare for wildfires.

There are many tools available to help stakeholders assess and respond to wildfire risk. The following tools include many that are commonly used and publicly available, however additional tools and information more specific to local conditions may be available from agencies and organizations in your area.

  • The U.S. Fire Administration’s Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Toolkit lists many websites, tools, and other information available to help assess and respond to community wildfire risk. Many resources listed on this page are also highlighted there.

  • Southern Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal (SWRAP) was created by the Southern Group of State Foresters to provide consistent, scientific results to be used as a foundation for wildfire mitigation and prevention planning in the Southern States. SWRAP provides public and professional viewer options to allow different stakeholders to assess and respond to wildfire risk.

  • Wildfire Risk to Communities was created by the USDA Forest Service to provide resources that not only identify wildfire risk, but also help communities manage and mitigate that risk. The site includes interactive maps, charts, and other resources, and an introductory fact sheet provides a guide for those interested in learning more about the available features.

  • The National Wildfire Risk Assessment is an ongoing project with the goal of completing a wildfire risk assessment for all National Forest System lands in the conterminous U.S.

  • Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network provides a self-assessment tool to help communities assess fire adaption and track their capacity to live safely with fire.

  • While most risk assessment resources focus on larger areas, such as landscapes and communities, individual home assessments can also help homeowners determine their level of risk and take action alone or with their neighbors. The Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety provides a checklist to help determine what parts of a home may be most vulnerable to wildfires. Many state forestry agencies also have similar checklists that may be more adapted for local conditions