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Southern Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal Collection

Southern Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal (SouthWRAP)

Southern Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal image for landing page and thumbnail.

The Southern Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal (SouthWRAP) contains data for the 13 Southern states, excluding Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands that did not participate in the initial SWRA project. Future updates hope to include all SGSF members. Portal results can help states prioritize where tactical analyses, community interaction and education, or mitigation treatments might be necessary to reduce risk from wildfires. In addition, the information provided in the assessment can be used to support the following key priorities:

  • Identify areas that are most prone to wildfire
  • Identify areas that may require additional tactical planning, specifically related to mitigation projects and Community Wildfire Protection Planning
  • Provide the information necessary to justify resource, budget and funding requests
  • Allow agencies to work together to better define priorities and improve emergency response, particularly across jurisdictional boundaries
  • Define wildland communities and identify the risk to those communities
  • Increase communication with local residents and the public to address community priorities and needs
  • Plan for response and suppression resource needs
  • Plan and prioritize hazardous fuel treatment programs

SouthWRAP provides both a public and professional viewer option. Professional accounts are free, but do require approval by website administrators.